How to: Make your pipes shine like new!


Angry Hornet
Elite Member
Apr 17, 2010
Reaction score
Alderley, Australia
Hey guys,

Just took a few pictures while I was polishing my pipes this arvo and thought I'd share the basic procedure with you so you can have a go yourself!

You will need:
  • Metal polish (I'm using Autosol, but use whatever you like best)
  • Steel wool
  • Mr. Sheen
  • Dirty/stained exhaust pipes
  • A strong arm!
  • A clean rag (or two)
  • Beverage of your choice


It will take about 2 - 6 hours depending on how pedantic you are and how perfect you want them (and if you run out of polish half way through :shakehead:)

Also, be prepared to be stabbed in the hand with steel wool a LOT.

Be sure to start on the part you want looking the best, because your arm will get dead after a while.

Caution: PLEASE don't use steel wool on chrome, it will scratch it badly..
Also, I'm not sure what else it works on, but stainless steel cans should be alright, and probably most other metals.

So, lets get into it!

You'll start off with something stained brown like this:


What you need to do, is get the steel wool and rip a bit off like this:


Then you'll need to put a bit of polish on it (you can never have too much)

Now this is the hard part.. Get the steel wool and scrub those pipes!
You'll never scratch them, so go as hard as you can, and for as long as you're comfortable with.

Concentrate on a small area at a time, otherwise you won't get as good of a result.

I find the easiest way to do it is to wrap your hand and the wool around the pipe and pull up and down along the pipe, although I don't think that gets as good a result as using two fingers and scrubbing.

After a couple of seconds you'll see them turning silver underneath the polish, but keep going, you want to get the other marks off as well.


Once the polish starts turning black/dark, that's your queue to stop, wait about a minute and then wipe all of the excess polish off with your rag.
If it's not shiny enough, keep going, or if you're happy with it, move on to the next bit, and so on.

Keep going until they all look nice and shiny, and then hit them with some Mr. Sheen and a clean cloth to get the excess off and shiny them up really nice. (PS. I'm not sure about this anymore, it MIGHT burn on to the pipes next time you run it.. Until I post the results, I'd hold off on this.)

Then hopefully you'll end up with something like this, or even better if you aren't a lazy **** like me!


Once completed (and likely at intervals throughout the job) worship the drop bear, or have yourself a nice cold drink of your choice, and enjoy your new pipes! And don't forget to repeat again in a week when they look as bad as they did when you started :eek:


Good luck!
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Nice job Azz! :thumbup:

BTW, that's the BUNDY bear, not a DROP bear..... Drop bears are supposed to be mythical bears in the Aussie bush, but, I've seen one, I swear :eek: ;)
Nice job Azz! :thumbup:

BTW, that's the BUNDY bear, not a DROP bear..... Drop bears are supposed to be mythical bears in the Aussie bush, but, I've seen one, I swear :eek: ;)

Wasn't Bundy pretending to be a drop bear in one of the ads?

Thanks :)
Great job....wait till your pipes get a bit older, and you have ridden lots in the rain, and they get really badly stained by road grime gets a bit harder to return them to that type of shine, once that stuff has happened...

Moral of the story, if you want lovely looking pipes like above...dont ride your bike in the dirty, filthy, rain! Lol!

Again, nice job, is very satisfying when you stand back, and your pipes are super shiny like that!!!

Hi all,

Thanks for the info on cleaning the pipes, autosol works good, but does require some effort. Got a question though: on my bike the bolts holding the exhaust manifold are quite badly rusted. Is that a big issue? Should I get them changed? Is that covered by the warranty? My bike is still under original warranty, but I bought it second hand. Any advice/reply would be appreciated!

Great job....wait till your pipes get a bit older, and you have ridden lots in the rain, and they get really badly stained by road grime gets a bit harder to return them to that type of shine, once that stuff has happened...

After riding lots in the rain and dirt, it is still possible to get the pipes in a really shiny state. I'm using a product called Wondersteen(Wonderstone) and it does restore the pipes almost to there original state.

Just finished cleaning them this morning, it took more or less about 2 hours to clean them. Still not in a pristine shiny state but after a second go with the product they will be like new.

I'll post the pictures before and after once I'm finished.

For those of you interested in Wonderstone, no online ordering possible, but I drop me a pm and we can work something out.



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i'm just wondering, would it be easier to remove the headers to give them a good clean, or is the risk or shearing the bolts off too great?
Hmmmm...interesting thought... I'd guess the possibility of an exhaust leak after taking them off and putting them on again is too high to make it worth it, but I'd love to hear otherwise... I sure do think that would be easier...
Would it be a bad idea to use a wire brush? Would it damage anything? I'm thinking that would be the quickest way i can see using.
i'm just wondering, would it be easier to remove the headers to give them a good clean, or is the risk or shearing the bolts off too great?

I have taken off and put my headees back on heaps of not an issue, re shearing the bolts....

Even the gaskets are re-usable, and very sturdy...

How long after the pipes can withstand polished? I mean, with the temperature leaving the engine he stands a good time or rapidly darkens
woah woah woah ..the pipes are silver? ever since I bought my fz6 used I always thought the copper color came stock, hahaa
I cleaned my collectors this weekend. But I did not use steel wool because I was afraid of scratching. Use only cloth, the mass of polish applied, waited 1 minute, removed with another cloth and other cloth used for polishing. I did this procedure four times in each collector, but the result was not identical to the first post. Does steel wool with the result will be better? watch the results.

as was

as it is now:BLAA: