Ever been laughed at for "gearing up"??


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Mar 29, 2008
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North west Mississippi
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Ok so im ready to leave work for home today, 85 degrees out. As im putting on my joe rocket textile mesh jacket, pants, full gloves, shoei helmet and boots one of the "cruiser guys" I work with comes up and just laughes at me "afraid of getting cold there"??? He wears jeans, tee shirt, tupperwear helmet (1/8" thick that says for novelity use only) and no gloves. I say "nah just being safe ya know" Then he says "oh dont be scared":mad:

What an idiot.. This ever happen to anyone else??
My comment to them is "I would rather sweat than bleed". When it is nice and warm outside 85 degrees and sun is shinning, have them put their bare hand on the asphalt and hold it there. Tell them to image there bare arms, legs, arse ect on there waiting for help to arrive. Way to stick up for what is correct and safe. Its all good, Jim :thumbup:
I have been asked why I wear so much gear, even on short trips. I always ask people if they wear their seatbelt everytime they ride in their car. "yes" is the usual asnwer. Then ask them why. "In case we crash." The conversation usually ends there.
Ok so im ready to leave work for home today, 85 degrees out. As im putting on my joe rocket textile mesh jacket, pants, full gloves, shoei helmet and boots one of the "cruiser guys" I work with comes up and just laughes at me "afraid of getting cold there"??? He wears jeans, tee shirt, tupperwear helmet (1/8" thick that says for novelity use only) and no gloves. I say "nah just being safe ya know" Then he says "oh dont be scared":mad:

What an idiot.. This ever happen to anyone else??
Ask him where we should send the flowers from the forum for his funeral? WANKER.
I had this EXACT same thing happen at work a few days ago. There are 2 guys I work with that are cruiser riders and once the temps go above 75 degrees, they're wearing jeans, t-shirt, work boots, and a half helmet (very rarely, gloves). I was doing just what you were, gearing up (JR Sonic 2.0 leather jacket, Power Trip Bravo leather gloves, Oxtar TCS sport boots, Icon Field Armor leg/knee guards, etc.) and they're like, what are you doing? You're going to burn up. My reaction was exactly what enjoytheride68 said..."I'd rather sweat than bleed". They just shut up after that.

OT just a bit, but I finally got to test my JR Sonic 2.0 jacket in fairly hot weather. (Non-perforated, but has the removable textile panels that run down the insides of the arms and down the sides). I've been wondering how it would work in hot weather (83 here in Kentucky today) and it worked fantastic! Moved lots of air in all the right places and kept me nice and cool. As you would expect, it got slightly hot when sitting at a stop light, but once I was moving, man, I loved it. This has got to be one of the best ideas for a leather jacket that I've seen!
I get it too. I just dont care. If someone is to dumb to equate 60 mph on pavement with a tshirt with pain they deserve it.
I have had a harley guy tell me "Nice riding britches" I just ignore them. I have friend that is in his late 50s now. He used to ride. He has had both his knees replaced. The last time people were giving me hell about gear, they asked him if he used to wear gear. He said I was never smart enough. He has had his knees in and out 4 times. They keep getting infected and have to be removed. He destroyed them in crashes. He is in a scooter with no bones connecting his thighs to his calves. He came out and talked to me while I was painting our motorcycle parking spots with a stencil and repainting the blocks.
He told me it was smart to wear gear and he wished he had. He said I am over this tough guy bull****. He then told me about breaking down crying when he has to go to the hospital. He has to go in to have a huge bag of antiboitics pumped in, he has a tap in his arm. This dude is tough as nails. He is just paying huge consquences for not riding with gear. Lots of the other ones are dead. I have known him for a long time.
This happened to me today. Leaving work I had on my textile Re'vit overpants (hospital scrubs underneath), Dainese Perf. leather jacket, Alpinestar full gauntlet and Oxstar riding boots when my HD coworker looks at me and said I must be sweating underneath. I said better on this cowhide than myhide. When he rides in to work it's usually just the "hospital scrubs", work boots and a soup bowl for his head just in case he gets into an accident they'll know what to use to scoop up his brains. He's not stupid, just very stubborn. He figures if he's in a spill he'd rather be dead on the spot over something else. What if he survives that spill what then, can you say walking posterchild for road rash.
BTW he simply refuses to put gloves on, if anything fingerless gloves and that's on "cold" days.:Im With Stupid:
This happened to me today. Leaving work I had on my textile Re'vit overpants (hospital scrubs underneath), Dainese Perf. leather jacket, Alpinestar full gauntlet and Oxstar riding boots when my HD coworker looks at me and said I must be sweating underneath. I said better on this cowhide than myhide. When he rides in to work it's usually just the "hospital scrubs", work boots and a soup bowl for his head just in case he gets into an accident they'll know what to use to scoop up his brains. He's not stupid, just very stubborn. He figures if he's in a spill he'd rather be dead on the spot over something else. What if he survives that spill what then, can you say walking posterchild for road rash.
BTW he simply refuses to put gloves on, if anything fingerless gloves and that's on "cold" days.:Im With Stupid:

So, you mean to tell me... There is a guy riding a Harley in hospital scrubs?? And people think we look funny on sportbikes with gear???

Please take a picture!!!
I get the strange looks and an occassional comment because along with all my normal gear (full face helmet, gloves, blackhawk army branded leather jacket, icon shin and knee guards under my pants) I wear a reflective vest also. Its required on military bases, but I think I'd wear it anyway. I swear its caused many cars to look twice before they pull out. It's like they look once...see me...look away and then look again because the bright yellow caught their attention on the first look. I just feel better with it on.

Ignore the comments and stay safe!
Damn man, a picture would be great. That or send him to the burn ward after the next rashed up dude shows up.
My non-riding coworkers razz me all the time, but it's good-natured (I love to tease, and be teased). The Harley guy in my shop calls me "Evel" now, but he wears protective gear too (as Armystrong mentioned, everyone does on a base).
So, you mean to tell me... There is a guy riding a Harley in hospital scrubs?? And people think we look funny on sportbikes with gear???

Please take a picture!!!

I'd love to take a pic, but he is a very good colleague of mine and being 6"3" at 313 lbs, welllllllllllll. I DON'T THINK SO!!!??:D
Ask him where we should send the flowers from the forum for his funeral? WANKER.

My thoughts exactly! But I guess it's no different than somebody telling you what to eat. You can either eat healthy or junk food, it's your body. It gets very hot here in Vegas during the summer and I always wear a jacket, gloves, helmet, and boots. We will see how long I can put up with the riding pants. I will be switching my jacket and pants to mesh very soon. On the other side of this thread, I have been complimented by strangers regarding me wearing full gear as well.
I still wear my jacket that I slid across the pavement with. Show them that and tell them my arms didn't have a scratch they usually stop talking
I tell them "Let me drag you down the street with and without and see which you'd prefer." They get the point.

I used to hear it at work but now that everyone knows they won't get a rise out of me, they stopped commenting.

These people have never had to accompany their friend to the hospital to have his road rash scraped clean without any pain killers. No one screams louder than the person with the wire brush in an open wound.
I'm sure I'll get a few looks rolling into Vegas tomorrow in 90+ temps with my full gear on - especially since there's some big Harley thing going on this weekend...

The funny part is, it's supposed to be around freezing here in Wells when I leave in the morning... I think I'll be removing a lot of "underlayers" (wool tights, wool turtleneck, heated vest) before I get there - hahaha :D

Still jacket, pants, gloves and helmet all the time for this gal... so let em laugh! :rockon: