Do you have a bug out bag?

Hell we live in a country were people will shoot each other for a must have toy for Christmas! ! So maybe a plan isn't a bad yet I am going to be the best local pimp..that need will never go away....:D j/k

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Both, my neighbor and I are preppers. He prepares by storing canned food and water, and I store guns and ammo. Guess, which one of us will not go hungry, if TSHTF. ;)

Jokes aside, I don't have a bug-out bag, per se, but I always make sure I have flashlights, batteries, some sort of canned food at home, and my hiking backpack with tools, filter, and medikit. All of it can be thrown in the back of my car in minutes.
The problem with Katrina is it hit one of the biggest welfare states in our nation. A majority of those people expected the government to do everything for them and when that didn't happen very few were prepared to do things themselves. When our government is fostering the recipient class they just can't function without "da gummint". Another problem was the Louisiana government as a whole botching up everything it seemed.

Those of us in the working class who have to provide for ourselves and families don't rely on the government for much of anything except police, fire, etc. We work to support the recipient class who thinks the support they receive from the government comes from them and not the working class who pays taxes. Recipients believe they are entitled to such things as cell phones, HDTV's, air conditioning, food, clothing, in some cases vehicles, etc, without having to work for them. When the government stops providing for the recipients they panic and start stealing from those that have what they want. The recipient class in America is growing and our current administration is supporting it, wanting more of them.

So yes, when a catastrophe occurs and the government shows to be inept in helping people in general that's when bad things happen. Those that prepare (in the case of hurricanes forecasted, they move inland to higher ground) are somewhat insulated from the impending panic.

Compare: Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina versus Iowa after severe flooding. Louisiana was full of people wanting the government to do something now, expecting relief now. Iowans stepped up and helped their neighbors, came together as a community and when outside help arrived they were in much better shape and recovered much more quickly had they just panicked and waited for the government to do everything for them. Ratio-wise the recipient class in Iowa is much smaller than in Louisiana.
Our dollar is worth more, we have lower unemployment, we have MUCH lower crime, have a higher percentage of home owners per capita etc.

And to think some Americans STILL look down upon us as a backward country that is beneath them!



Yeah, but Rick, you have spiders! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Yes there are spiders, and 9 of the 10 most deadly snakes in the world, and crocodiles protect the top end - and great white sharks and Irukandji protect the coastline!

Sure, some of these are found elsewhere - but only Australia has them all!

Maybe I need to build a snake-proof/ spider proof bunker that will ward off the crocodiles too! (and have to make sure it isn't near the water)

It is the pervading paranoia that concerns me most about the Americas - everyone SAYS the media keeps you living in fear, as does your gun-ownership policies etc - but no-one will make a stand!

I watch some American day-time TV for 10 minutes, and I'm almost inconsolable and/or want to go and kill something!

Sure, different cultures et al, but from my perspective, far more Americans believe the tripe they are force-fed by the media, than most other countries.

(you saw it in a movie once, so better have a nuclear resistant bunker, 50 years worth of food, an infantry battalion worth of ammo and as big a gun (or guns!) as you can have)

Just my two cents (which soon could be $1 US!)


Yes there are spiders, and 9 of the 10 most deadly snakes in the world, and crocodiles protect the top end - and great white sharks and Irukandji protect the coastline!

Sure, some of these are found elsewhere - but only Australia has them all!

Maybe I need to build a snake-proof/ spider proof bunker that will ward off the crocodiles too! (and have to make sure it isn't near the water)

It is the pervading paranoia that concerns me most about the Americas - everyone SAYS the media keeps you living in fear, as does your gun-ownership policies etc - but no-one will make a stand!

I watch some American day-time TV for 10 minutes, and I'm almost inconsolable and/or want to go and kill something!

Sure, different cultures et al, but from my perspective, far more Americans believe the tripe they are force-fed by the media, than most other countries.

(you saw it in a movie once, so better have a nuclear resistant bunker, 50 years worth of food, an infantry battalion worth of ammo and as big a gun (or guns!) as you can have)

Just my two cents (which soon could be $1 US!)



Hey don't be at me just because if I wanted to just take a little walk down the street with a 20rd + 9mm handgun on my hip, a .45 in my jacket concealed, and to top it off a AK47 with a 100rd drum strapped to my back i could with out any concearns or worries about breaking any laws and you can't even own a gun without a valid reason.

And you mentioned people stereotyping Australians, you do realize your doing the same towards us....?????
And you mentioned people stereotyping Australians, you do realize your doing the same towards us....?????

Fair call - and for that I apologise.

As for 'valid reason' - what possible valid reason can exist for you walking down the road armed as the example given?

It is the gun culture that keeps some living in fear - not the stereotyping of said culture.

In a peaceful society, there is no need for fully (or even) semi-automatic weapons to be owned by the populous.

'Semi-auto ' range days and activities were created JUST to justify the weapons existence to those that would take them away.

I should move to America and start up a warleague, or nuclear range day - THEN I could say that my owning of these weapons, tanks and fighter planes was justified in the name of sport shooting!

I was just using that jokingly, I can't see any reason someone would need all that just to walk down the street but I could if I wanted to. As far as gun ownership and crime rates, check this out,_Georgia

This is the town pretty much right beside where I live, back in the 80s the made it a city law that if you live within the city limits you have to own a gun and keep it in your house, crime rates dropped over 80%!!!!! Just some food for thought, also there are exceptions for people who don't wish to own a gun, it's not like they are going to come and arrest you
if you live within the city limits you have to own a gun and keep it in your house, crime rates dropped over 80%!!!!!

That's because all of the neighbouring areas/towns/shires/counties/states have guns.

We all said the same thing when the federal gun buy-back happened in Oz.

'We'll be more at risk!' etc - well, it didn't happen, crime rates didn't suddenly soar because of the 'unprotected' population.

Sure, there are still many, many gun owners in Australia, but we can not legally own a firewarm without a genuine reason, and can not own a dedicated anti-personnel weapon at all. (AK47, SKS, AR-15, SLR etc)

I have to agree with Chevy, Rick. Sounds like you are getting a little stereotypical. But everyone's entitled to their opinions.

Paranoia, um...sure, a little. It was no hurricane or tsunami...but...

Ever hear of a guy named Rodney King? Or the aftermath of the beating and the verdicts?

At the time I was running a boarding stable with my parents in Sylmar, Ca, not 2 miles from where he got beat.

Did I protect my foodstuffs, family, and property with firearms?

:thumbup: You bet your a$$, I did!
On that note...

...Anyone know where I can get a decent holster for an Uzi that will work while I ride? I'm kind of tired of having to hold it in my hand while I use the clutch.
American culture is deeply rooted in guns and cars, personal freedom. Of course we have our Constitution (which gets assaulted on a daily basis) which is one of the greatest manuscripts ever penned.

One cool thing is I can carry concealed in all 50 States, being an active LEO. Do I always carry? No. I do carry when I feel like it. My girlfriend mentioned today that she was surprised I wasn't carrying on our 2 up ride but liked that she could put her hands anywhere. When she gets her own motorcycle that won't be an issue.

Rick, I'm glad every country is different. I'm not a big fan of NATO (in fact think it needs to go away completely) and their universal globalization efforts. If we were all the same then our only differences would be geographic locations. I'm not crazy about some cultures and their customs/laws. You and I are the same in that we'll defend our countries to the end. I have no problem with that. Someday I hope to be able to visit yours, sit down with you and enjoy a beer together. Having grown up in southern California I've meet quite a few Australians.

Fair call - and for that I apologise.

As for 'valid reason' - what possible valid reason can exist for you walking down the road armed as the example given?

It is the gun culture that keeps some living in fear - not the stereotyping of said culture.

In a peaceful society, there is no need for fully (or even) semi-automatic weapons to be owned by the populous.

'Semi-auto ' range days and activities were created JUST to justify the weapons existence to those that would take them away.

I should move to America and start up a warleague, or nuclear range day - THEN I could say that my owning of these weapons, tanks and fighter planes was justified in the name of sport shooting!


All I can say is your very own Mad Max wouldn't have made it far without his guns! :thumbup:
Well I also have 1, but right now mine is backpack sized. I keep 2 knives, a sharpener, some emergency electorlyte packs, empty water bottle, and depending on what abode im at (school or home) 200 rounds of 9mm, a Beretta PX4 Storm pistol(9mm) as much 12ga ammo as I can grab 2 hatchets and 1 folding saw. On top of that I have been collecting many different survival books just in case. The books may sound silly, especially as I have been raised in the woods, but you can get good medical and wild food information from these books. I know that realistically nothing will happen, but it doesn't hurt anything to be prepared.