Photography Thread !!!

Might I suggest getting a cheap remote flash, radio popper and stand and setting it up by the feeder? It'll really freeze those hummers in place.

[ame=] Speedlite YN560 Flash for Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Olympus Cameras: Camera & Photo[/ame]

[ame=] CowboyStudio NPT-04 4 Channel Wireless Trigger for External Speelights with 1 Trigger and 2 Receivers (NPT-04+extra receiver): Camera & Photo[/ame]

Well, the stand is optional. If you've got a tripod, that flash can attach right to it, or some hardware clamps and/or tape can come in handy.
Might I suggest getting a cheap remote flash, radio popper and stand and setting it up by the feeder? It'll really freeze those hummers in place. Speedlite YN560 Flash for Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Olympus Cameras: Camera & Photo CowboyStudio NPT-04 4 Channel Wireless Trigger for External Speelights with 1 Trigger and 2 Receivers (NPT-04+extra receiver): Camera & Photo

Well, the stand is optional. If you've got a tripod, that flash can attach right to it, or some hardware clamps and/or tape can come in handy.

Good call. I need more light. This is the best of my shots this morning with the D3100 built-in flash:
Anna's Hummingbirds shot today.

1: Male with snow falling in background. Best shot yet-original has much more detail.

2-3: Juvenile female shot through a window.

4-5: Adult female.





300mm of focal length lens goodness came in. :D I still need to get in fairly close, but I can now fill the frame with the little critters.




If you're sick of Hummingbirds, these guys were a lot harder to shoot. These little puffballs are Bushtits and they don't keep still for 2 seconds.




Nice shots !! Wish we had hummingbirds out here in Oz , they look like a great challenge :)

I have so many photo's to share with you all but my PC is out of action at the moment so you just have to wait until later on in the week :BLAA:
I got a new toy since I arrived in Japan.


Also, tried out ISO 12800 on the D600.

I got a new toy since I arrived in Japan.

Also, tried out ISO 12800 on the D600.

Impressive! I'd love to move up to the D600 in a couple of years. I'm still learning the ropes of shooting manual.

Just found that lenses have an aperture sweet-spot that produces sharper images vs wide open.

Here's some friendly horses I met along a cycle path:


I've seen that white stuff in movies before, believe it's called snow? I did go riding yesterday, temps were between 42 & 45 degrees. Dang cold if you factor in wind chill. Supposed to get to the 60's in a few days. More riding!

Great pics, guys.
Got this one near Misawa with with my F5 loaded with Fuji Superia 400, but didn't have my scanner, so I ghetto scanned it with a macro lens on the D600 and a coffee cup as a slide holder. The color isn't perfect because my netbook screen isn't accurate enough to do adjustments, but still not bad. :thumbup:


and I just like Sapporo.

Yes and no. I roomed with a professional pkotographer (National Geographic) my last two years in school and caught the bug. He had a darkroom in the house we lived (partied?) in. Took the courses, could have joined the guild, only I gots no talent. None at all.
That was the mid 70's and I OWNED Rock creek Park. I had an R5D and nobody could beat me from the Mall to River Road. Not even close.
IN America, there is no difference between 2nd best and number 2,878,639. So When faced with two loves, I went with the one were I had a little talent. Very little.
I figured out years later that it wasn't talent but testicles. You won't find any Episiotomy scars among street racers.