Please Explain Why Previous Owner Did this


Junior Member
Feb 21, 2013
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Lincoln, Nebraska
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It is difficult to get my hand near the ignition to turn the key. Sometimes it takes me several minutes to contort my hand/wrist to get the key in the ignition. Can someone tell me:

1) Why in the hell the previous owner set it up this way
2) I just purchased dev_usc's VS02 headlight kit, will it be an easy fix (from what you can tell)
2b) Will I be able to have the ignition open so I can put the key in easily after the VS02 kit is assembled?

Thanks guys. It is annoying as hell to try to start ole Glacier Fizz. For those that don't know. I mechanically inept, ignorant. I am learning from a blank slate in my state of mind. So, don't be surprised if I have some questions that you thought everyone knew. I have never even worked on my car before. So, this is a completely knew experience for me. But I am here to learn and share what I have.
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It is difficult to get my hand near the ignition to turn the key. Sometimes it takes me several minutes to contort my hand/wrist to get the key in the ignition. Can someone tell me:

1) Why in the hell the previous owner set it up this way
2) I just purchased dev_usc's VS02 headlight kit, will it be an easy fix (from what you can tell)
2b) Will I be able to have the ignition open so I can put the key in easily after the VS02 kit is assembled?

Thanks guys. It is annoying as hell to try to start ole Glacier Fizz. For those that don't know. I mechanically inept, ignorant. I am learning from a blank slate in my state of mind. So, don't be surprised if I have some questions that you thought everyone knew. I have never even worked on my car before. So, this is a completely knew experience for me. But I am here to learn and share what I have.

lol, the kit looks wierd and so is the choice of color, probably wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed
Dude! Think of what will happen to you in even a minor collision!
Seriously, I wouldn't even ride that bike around the block until that's fixed. :eek: :eek: :eek:
lol, the kit looks wierd and so is the choice of color, probably wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed

Yeah, he said he didn't like the look of the "ugly A$$ fairings" and the red color. So he got rid of the fairings and painted it "Celestial Blue." (He was really proud of the name of the paint).

Anyway, it was $2300 and I gave myself a $2500 spending limit. So, that part worked out well. Now it is getting frustrating. I figured at worst I could learn to ride on this and try to resell it in a few months. It books fro $4200 (in excellent shape, of course.

My guess is that the previous owner was trying to impress some people and he was riding out of his experience level. He probably tipped the bike over going forward and damaged the fairing and then decided to scrap the faring and did this little get up. He probably scratched the paint and he said he worked at a body shop so someone had some left over sky blue and he just painted it. I actually don't mind the color. The ignition is annoying as balls though! haha
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Dude! Think of what will happen to you in even a minor collision!
Seriously, I wouldn't even ride that bike around the block until that's fixed. :eek: :eek: :eek:

I completely agree. When I have moved it, I have just put it in neutral and pushed it. I don't have the gear yet anyway and my motorcycle training course isn't until May 3-5. So I have some time.

I am hoping that dev_usc's VS02 kit will solve the problem(s). Especially that knife-like protrusion pointing at my nut sack
celestial blue huh?

i probably would of walked away at that point lol

i think that if you took a rattle can of any color and just painted the whole thing just one solid color it would be better

no offense not trying to knock your purchase at that price you can afford a repaint lol but great bike non the less
There are a lot of ways to do the naked conversion (see my album for one of them). It looks like he just botched the conversion by placing the speedo too high and making the ignition too hard to get too. That can be fixed.
The color on the other hand....that's a harder fix lol.
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celestial blue huh?

i probably would of walked away at that point lol

i think that if you took a rattle can of any color and just painted the whole thing just one solid color it would be better

no offense not trying to knock your purchase at that price you can afford a repaint lol but great bike non the less

Bahaha. It was pretty awkward when he said "Celestial Blue" and he got a big grin. Especially since he was trying to be a hard ass too. Like he thought he was tough shizz.

My best friend's brother-in-law does detailing for his main job. So I will probably call him up to see what he would charge for a professional paint job. I am going to learn to ride before I do anything major though.
There are a lot of ways to do the naked conversion (see my album for one of them). It looks like he just botched the conversion by placing the speedo too high and making the ignition too hard to get too. That can be fixed.
The color on the other hand....that's a harder fix lol.

Cool, I am glad it can be fixed. Hopefully it doesn't cost me a considerable amount of time or money. Once I get the VS02 kit I will start to see how things fit.

I had no idea people would be so aversive to the color. Haha. It will be looking pretty damn sweet in a couple months. I am pretty sure I am going to get it painted black. That would be sick!
Maybe the PO wanted to know how far he was turning the bars?:BLAA:
The color isnt that bad IMO, it's what you do with it that counts:thumbup:
Thats teal....and before your next ride grab a hammer and give that aluminum point a couple whacks down. Thats insane
Thats teal....and before your next ride grab a hammer and give that aluminum point a couple whacks down. Thats insane

Thanks for the suggestion. I won't be riding it until after I get my motorcycle training course completed (May 3-5) and after I get the new headlight kit installed. I will take photos along the way!
Thats teal....and before your next ride grab a hammer and give that aluminum point a couple whacks down. Thats insane

Forgot to mention that identifying colors generally evades me; I am colorblind. Definitely gonna need a friends help when I am trying to figure out why the blinkers and high beams don't work. Electrical work and colorblindness are not a good combo!
remember blue is the fastest color, doesn't matter which blue. SKY's the limit:BLAA:

you should be able to find a stock speedo bracket pretty easily, especially since your bike is an S1 (1st generation model). and dont use a hammer to knock the point down you'll hurt the tank. get some sheet-metal snips and cut it off instead (home depot/friend with a sh!tload of tools).
Just wondering where the mirrors are too?

I dont mind the look of the headlight but that spear is way dangerous and how are you gonna lift the tank if you need to.
If some of the indicators and hi beam indictaor are not working maybe time time to pull it all a part and see what the PO actually did under there.
While you at it smooth out that mount for the speedo cluster. that could do the crown jewels some serious damage.

Id leave the blue for now, wait until you have done the riding course, see if you like the bike and then decide on your list of mods......
...... coz once you start you will find that there are plenty of things you can do, and as its already lost the original paint work you can do anything that you like, Black, Brown, White, Camo, metallic flake, matte, gloss,

just gear up and ride safe
Just wondering where the mirrors are too?

I dont mind the look of the headlight but that spear is way dangerous and how are you gonna lift the tank if you need to.
If some of the indicators and hi beam indictaor are not working maybe time time to pull it all a part and see what the PO actually did under there.
While you at it smooth out that mount for the speedo cluster. that could do the crown jewels some serious damage.

Id leave the blue for now, wait until you have done the riding course, see if you like the bike and then decide on your list of mods......
...... coz once you start you will find that there are plenty of things you can do, and as its already lost the original paint work you can do anything that you like, Black, Brown, White, Camo, metallic flake, matte, gloss,

just gear up and ride safe

I brought the bike in to the local dealer just to see what they would give me for trade-in and they offered me $1500 max. I am certain if I needed to get rid of it I could sell it on craigslist for at least $3000.

I already ordered the VS02 headlight kit from dev_usc. It comes with blinkers, mirrors, the whole shebang. I could have just bought pieces here and there, but I had no idea where I would mount the blinkers and I figured dev_usc offers a product that has everything I need, so I bought it. Just waiting for it to get shipped now.

As a newbie, there is no way in hell I am taking this thing on the road without mirrors, working blinkers, etc. If I need to move it again, I will just push it while in neutral. Once I take the course and I get the headlight kit mounted, I will be a happy guy :BLAA:
I want to get this thing ravened out. I would fall in love with it if I did.

I could sand it down, put some muriatic acid on it and then pay to get it all painted, or I could just buy the parts in black if that is possible.

I already did some searching and I could get a gas tank that would work and I would have to pay $375 to get it shipped. I would still need to get black fenders and tail fairings. Not sure how much that costs.

My question to you guys is whether I should 1) repaint everything or 2) buy black parts instead?

Honestly, I don't know which way would be cheapest and I don't know which would take more time either. Any advice would be appreciated. I know I don't like the color it is now. I paid $2300 knowing that I would put around $1500 to get it looking the way I want.
I want to get this thing ravened out. I would fall in love with it if I did.

I could sand it down, put some muriatic acid on it and then pay to get it all painted, or I could just buy the parts in black if that is possible.

I already did some searching and I could get a gas tank that would work and I would have to pay $375 to get it shipped. I would still need to get black fenders and tail fairings. Not sure how much that costs.

My question to you guys is whether I should 1) repaint everything or 2) buy black parts instead?

Honestly, I don't know which way would be cheapest and I don't know which would take more time either. Any advice would be appreciated. I know I don't like the color it is now. I paid $2300 knowing that I would put around $1500 to get it looking the way I want.
Cheaper to pay someone to paint it rather than buy bits. If you have time to kill, you could save some cash by taking the bits off, emptying the tank and sanding it down yourself. You're gonna have to grab some wrenches and take off that motocross headlight at some point anyway!

Use the opportunity to get it painted a non-stock colour if you're getting it done anyway. My vote is Kawasaki green. That'll confuse people! :BLAA:

Personally, I think that paint-job looks fine. There are other things you could spend your cash on to change how the bike rides/looks/sounds. For a learner - you may want to consider buying lower fork-springs or paying someone to shave/shape the seat.

Use the opportunity to get it painted a non-stock colour if you're getting it done anyway. My vote is Kawasaki green. That'll confuse people! :BLAA:

a paint job will be cheaper than buying parts. i also agree that the sky blue isnt really that bad. i would get the bike back to DOT standards first. Get your headlight, blinkers, speedo bracket, mirrors, etc. and ride it for a while before getting it painted.

statistically if this is your first bike, its likely to be put down (not that you will) but if you tip it at low speed and scratch it up a bit, its better to do so before repainting the bike, right? it also gives you more time to decide on which color you want. you said you were colorblind, if there is any color that you can pick out fairly well, i would go with that.

† just curious but what kind of colorblind are you? red/greed, blue/orange, or do you mix up all colors?