Mum allows video of sons death to be used for road safety purposes


Euro Mod
Elite Member
Oct 5, 2007
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Alkmaar Netherlands
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Here's a story of a mother who has released footage from her sons cam to be used for road safety purposes:

Video: Mother allows release of hard-hitting footage of her son

Be warned the footage is shocking, although you can't see the aftermath.

I think the Mum is couragous to allow this, especially with it showing her sons death. And I respect that she hopes that this might make other road users think about what they are doing.

Having said this IMHO I find this a bad example to be used as a safety campaign as I found the biker to have an agressive riding style, and was speeding at the time of the accident. Don't get me wrong of course the car driver had partial blame, but generally riders are extra vigilant at junctions (well I know I am).

I think that most car drivers will see the video and outright blame the rider, and so doing miss the point. We all know that drivers often don't see us riders but I've seen better video's that show this.
Brave woman to not just release the footage, but to take part in the film. I don't think anyone's trying to lay the entire blame with the driver, it definitely takes two to tango

Even knowing how it ends, I'm still shocked how quickly that went from fun to ..not
Pretty rough!

When i was doing my course for my license my instructor told me:

" Always assume the every body on the street is out to kill you, assume that they are deaf, blind and stupid, and always assume that they are about to do the stupidest thing they could possibly do!"

Even if you take out the aggressiveness and the speed out of the equation this could have saved his life. I ride somewhat aggressively, and somewhat fast, but had i been the one arriving at that intersection i would have slowed down the second i saw the car go into the right turn lane.

Like you i agree that this video isn't the best and will probably just make drivers blame the rider, i mean, i am a rider and i blame the rider!
Still, bad way to go...
It's very sad to hear about other riders going down, especially fatally, but I think we had a thread with a really similar looking setup (car turning in front of a rider), and pretty much everyone unanimously agreed that preventive maneuvers (and no target fixation) could have helped avoid an accident.

I'm glad she took the time to be a part of the video though. Videos with a personal connection are much more influential.
Here's a story of a mother who has released footage from her sons cam to be used for road safety purposes:

Video: Mother allows release of hard-hitting footage of her son

Be warned the footage is shocking, although you can't see the aftermath.

I think the Mum is couragous to allow this, especially with it showing her sons death. And I respect that she hopes that this might make other road users think about what they are doing.

Having said this IMHO I find this a bad example to be used as a safety campaign as I found the biker to have an agressive riding style, and was speeding at the time of the accident. Don't get me wrong of course the car driver had partial blame, but generally riders are extra vigilant at junctions (well I know I am).

I think that most car drivers will see the video and outright blame the rider, and so doing miss the point. We all know that drivers often don't see us riders but I've seen better video's that show this.

Thanks Martin,
I was just watching the video and was coming here to post a link.


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Thanks Martin,
I was just watching the video and was coming here to post a link.


I must admit this has been spreading like wildfire, it's been in the Dutch papers, motorbike websites and facebook in the last 24 hours, but unfortunately most people actually condemn his way of riding and actually feel sorry for the car driver. I really think that this is bad publicity for bike riders :(
I read the article and decided not to watch the video.

On Friday morning on our local traffic report there was news of a fatal accident between a car and a motorcycle and the bike had caught fire. No prizes for guessing which commuter died. I passed the site of the accident on my way home and the scorch marks on the road gave me shivers.

Let's be careful out there.
I must admit this has been spreading like wildfire, it's been in the Dutch papers, motorbike websites and facebook in the last 24 hours, but unfortunately most people actually condemn his way of riding and actually feel sorry for the car driver. I really think that this is bad publicity for bike riders :(
I think the point is David was no different from you or I, in fact no different from millions of decent, honest hardworking motorcycle riders.
This could be any one of us.
Be safe people.

I too havnt watched the vid in full, I know of, and see enough abbohrent riding/driver habits in the daily commute to actually watch the sad demise of a brother/sister. no matter who contributed to an accident, it saddens me. all power to this riders family to lend support to increasing rider awareness
I had a car do a random U turn right in front of me in the middle of the road yesterday. I was going about 20 mph and nearly broadsided the vehicle.

I was riding behind the car and it pulled over to the shoulder like one would if it was going to park in front of an apartment complex then did a u-turn across road.