WERA north central vids

cool videos!!! those guys are really getting after it!!!
that sucked in the 2nd vid!!! I'd be ticked!!!
that sucked in the 2nd vid!!! I'd be ticked!!!

I'd be glad I didn't get run over by the guy with the video camera. Looks like the guy in the red starts to endo before they make contact; I wonder how it would have turned out if he had not braked to avoid him and they had hit side-by-side instead. Crazy sh*t!
Anal_Virgin cam
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I'd be glad I didn't get run over by the guy with the video camera. Looks like the guy in the red starts to endo before they make contact; I wonder how it would have turned out if he had not braked to avoid him and they had hit side-by-side instead. Crazy sh*t!

dude in the red won the championship too. he will be a private sponsered AMA rider in 08..pretty cool, being a guy from the NC region and all.
dude in the red won the championship too. he will be a private sponsered AMA rider in 08..pretty cool, being a guy from the NC region and all.

Man the dude on the GSXR sure slammed the door hard on the red guy! Camera guy did a great job of braking and holding his line. Nice clip. :)
thats called 'stuffing' and its not cool. but its a race and thats racing.

Stuffed hard. I've seen guys go fist-o-cuffs over a move like that.

I had a similar thing happen to me at Firebird Raceway in Phoenix. Only I high sided at 125 mph, broke my collar bone, all of the ribs on my left side, punctured my left lung, bruised speen, took a helicopter ride I don't remember and spent about 4 weeks in the hospital. One of the guys in the club I raced in confronted the guy who chopped my wheel and they got into it from what I understand. That was my last race, 1989, and I pretty much stopped ridding motorcycles up unto three weeks ago when I bought the FZ.

Now I got the bug again to do a riders school. I guess you never really get it out of you.
Hats off to all the guys with enough nerve and skill to do that for fun or money. Hellgate and all you other guys that race (or have in the past) have my respect! :rockon: