who would you vote for and why?

the next President of the United States

  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 77 46.1%
  • John McCain

    Votes: 81 48.5%
  • Bob Barr (Libertarian Party)

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Ralph Nader (Green Party)

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • waiting for VP choices

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • not going to vote

    Votes: 5 3.0%

  • Total voters


first off this thread is in the bar and I am the MODerator for the Bar so it's OK.
the idea here is to have a political DEBATE NOT an insult or flame war. for those outside of the US your opinion is welcome also seeing how foreign policy is an issue that effects everyone.
Who WOULD I vote for? Ron Paul.

Who will I vote for? Of the remaining two candidates, probably Obama.

As with any election, it comes down to,"Which candidate sucks the least?"
Obama. I like his foreign policy and believe he is the only candidate that cares about environmental issues, which is something that is important to me.

Not to say he's free of flaws, though. I strongly disagree with his stance on gun control, and some of his domestic policy views really get to me (telecom immunity, etc.)
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im canadian so i cant vote.

but i would vote for obama. he is not republican. that is all he needs to be in my book. i think everything the republican party stands for and does is dangerous to the world at large in the short- and long-run, and to the US internally in the long-run.
I vote McCain, I agree with him on his energy policies. we should be drilling our own oil, at a time when gas is over $4.00 a Gallon, Diesel fuel over $5.00, something needs to be done. if I was on the fence this issue alone would push me over. Obama is against drilling off shore, and opening up the anwr for exploration. most of the Dems say it won't help us, it would be over 3 years before a single barrel of oil could be produced. thats been going on since the gas crunch of the 70's. if we had been drilling then and building new refineries, maybe we wouldn't be so dependent on foreign oil now. there are many points Obama makes that sound good, but he doesn't say how he will do it. an example. homeland security, he states he wants to secure chemical plants, nuclear facilities, drinking water ect. shouldn't the first step be to secure the borders?
I would say the least bad candidate is Obama... I don't believe in his missile defense stance (idiotic) but I know a lot of people who worked in the pentagon on the hill with McCain (including my dad and uncles) and everyone in the military (Rep & Dem) all say you can't trust the guy as far as you can throw him. ( on a side note everyone says that McCains dad was above and beyond an exceptional leader..... the apple fell far from the tree)

So i don't feel like having another bush. So it's Obama for me.

just to bring up the oil point. The biggest problem I have with drilling more in the U.S. is that people all have this trust in large U.S. oil companies that they will not try and keep raping you at the pump (just look at how Exxon's final settlement with Alaska went... they are far from socially responsible). It is more a matter of building more and higher technology based refineries in America.... buying refined oil is a huge factor in driving up the cost.
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I think I could be okay with either man in the White House (I am registered Independent).

However, each could make one incredibly bad choice for a VP, and that will influence my vote completely.
McCain is old, and if his death resulted in a Mormon president, that would be complete disaster; I live in Utah and see how the LDS church controls its politicians.
Obama could pick Hillary, and we've seen for years what happens to former "friends of the Clintons" who stand in their way. Don't put it past her.

If both Romney and Clinton are chosen, I may very well emigrate.
I'm for Obama. I think that he is the best person to restore our standing in the world and to respond to the next big crisis that the nation will face.
I will hold my nose and vote republican. Only only for supreme court justices.
McCain for me....

Taxes -- obama wants to raise them BIG time.... I am paying plenty already

Experience -- I would not want someone with 3 years experience running my business, therefore I do not want someone with Obama's lack of experience running our economy, policies and military

I liked Ron Paul....but now I will vote McCain
I vote McCain, I agree with him on his energy policies. we should be drilling our own oil, at a time when gas is over $4.00 a Gallon, Diesel fuel over $5.00, something needs to be done. if I was on the fence this issue alone would push me over. Obama is against drilling off shore, and opening up the anwr for exploration. most of the Dems say it won't help us, it would be over 3 years before a single barrel of oil could be produced. thats been going on since the gas crunch of the 70's. if we had been drilling then and building new refineries, maybe we wouldn't be so dependent on foreign oil now. there are many points Obama makes that sound good, but he doesn't say how he will do it. an example. homeland security, he states he wants to secure chemical plants, nuclear facilities, drinking water ect. shouldn't the first step be to secure the borders?

doin as mc-cain says about the offshore oil WONT lower gas prices anymore than a few cents IF AT ALL in the next 10 years even 15 years. and theyre gonna run out around the time they impact prices at all. Theyll run out within 20 years or so and you'll be in the same boat as you are now ANYWAY just at the expense of ALOT of enviornmental damage.

it is a short-term vision that is very destructive in the long-run.....all for some MEAGRE benefits here and now. Would you light a fire in your living room to warm yourself for 30 seconds if it meant burning your house down to not have a home to live in in the long-run? extreme example i know but the same logic applies.

long-term solutions are whats needed. not temporary patches. the oil WILL run out very soon in the arctic and the offshore sites if you start drilling. its not gonna help anything. but if you adapt your economy and get your society living without oil....then you can really come up with a solution. only the government has the power to start pushing away from oil.

the republicans are trying to SELL a short-term solution to the american population because they are FOR the oil companies. most republicans have financial incentives to help oil companies. a few well placed contracts to drill offshore and in the arctic and all of a sudden you're very rich. only thing stopping them is the american population. so what do they do? try to sell it. just like they sold iraq.

dont just buy into it. question it.
Ron Paul, to me, was the best choice. Obama just doesn't cut it for me and McCain is still too far to the left for my tastes. I really feel sorry for my son. This is the first presidential election he'll get to vote in and there truly is no "lesser of the two evils". He, like the rest of us, really has no good choices to pick from in this election.
I vote McCain, I agree with him on his energy policies. we should be drilling our own oil, at a time when gas is over $4.00 a Gallon, Diesel fuel over $5.00, something needs to be done. if I was on the fence this issue alone would push me over. Obama is against drilling off shore, and opening up the anwr for exploration. most of the Dems say it won't help us, it would be over 3 years before a single barrel of oil could be produced. thats been going on since the gas crunch of the 70's. if we had been drilling then and building new refineries, maybe we wouldn't be so dependent on foreign oil now. there are many points Obama makes that sound good, but he doesn't say how he will do it. an example. homeland security, he states he wants to secure chemical plants, nuclear facilities, drinking water ect. shouldn't the first step be to secure the borders?

Sorry sportrider, but if we'd started drilling anywhere in the US (ANWR and/or offshore) in 1970's the tap would be long since dry. We just don't have that much liquid oil that we can pump. The only long term solution is to wean USA off the oil teat. Every president since Nixon has said they would do it and not one has made even the slightest dent in our dependence on foreign oil. I think Obama should be given the chance to try. I give him a 30% success prediction, but for McCain I predict <5%. :(

I live 20 miles from a nuke plant an 2000 meters from a chemical plant so I'm also concerned about border security. Both candidates are talking about the same on that. Its just not a simple problem to solve given the enormous size of our borders. I give them <1% chance of actually solving that one. :(
I like that Obama doesn't have any experience, which is less of a chance to be another corporate slug.

I'm just thankful that Hillary didn't win cause I would have to vote for McCain
Sorry sportrider, but if we'd started drilling anywhere in the US (ANWR and/or offshore) in 1970's the tap would be long since dry. We just don't have that much liquid oil that we can pump. The only long term solution is to wean USA off the oil teat. Every president since Nixon has said they would do it and not one has made even the slightest dent in our dependence on foreign oil. I think Obama should be given the chance to try. I give him a 30% success prediction, but for McCain I predict <5%. :(

I live 20 miles from a nuke plant an 2000 meters from a chemical plant so I'm also concerned about border security. Both candidates are talking about the same on that. Its just not a simple problem to solve given the enormous size of our borders. I give them <1% chance of actually solving that one. :(

We have more oil in alaska than iraq does. But thanks to the enviromentalists woodstock hippy guys we can't drill as of yet.
IMO, there is no good/great choice this time... or the last time either!

We'll have to take it on the chin regardless of who wins.

The highest office in the land is not something you can learn "on the job", it does require true foreign policy knowledge gained over the years, regardless of whether or not you agree with the policies in place, the contact with leaders of other nations/governments and their policy makers is crucial.

We are not in a position to simply yank all the troops out of the middle east without serious repercussions.

I must say this upcoming election I almost have to agree with my oldest daughter(who also is voting for the first time) and feels it's not worth it.

However, I have told her of how important it is to vote! To not do so would be a slap in the face to those who have given their life so that I can vote!!

Regardless of whom you vote for you must do so, it is our civic duty and a privilege denied many!!
I would vote for Obama, mostly because i am so disgusted by what the republicans have done in office the past 8 years and how well the democrats did in the previous 8 years throws into light that it is the Dems that need to fix our country right now