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  • yah got it of craiglist, there is one on there with laser pipes asking for 4,000. But it is an 04 and the blue. I got my guy down from 4,000 I think
    Wll i wouldnt recommend ridding on the streets of vegas to anyone. People here are crazy!(disclaimer). Just be very carefull here. I got my bike for 3500 it is an 05 though. Are you looking for new or used?
    Sounds good, let me know when you get your bike. You can get a jump start on everybody else before the MSF course by reading some books that you can get at Barnes and Noble. Pat Hahn's "Ride hard and smart" or so something like that is a good one. Has lots of stats. Plus, lots of good safety tips on this forum too. Just use the search tab. You can learn a lot from this forum. So far, you have made three correct decisions. One the FZ6, two signing up for the MSF, and 3rd, finding this forum. Actually, 4. Contacting me, LOL....
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