0-206 km/h

I don't get why every time someone posts a video going more than the speed limit there is people that complains about it.

If such people NEVER go over the speed limit then I don't see the point of having an R6 based engine, even the baby ninja 250 will go way over that, I would buy a small scooter instead :BLAA:
Thanks. I've completely changed my view since the time I posted this video, and I rarely exceed speed limit by more than 10-20 mph now. Since the video, I haven't and will not push the bike to such speeds ever again. In fact, just thinking about it gives me the shivers..

not trying to take the fun out of going fast, just hoping (like it appears you realized) how quickly things can go really bad.

i ran wide in a turn the first time on a motorcycle a few weeks ago. it was terrifying, and i left the road traveling at only 35-40 mph, on a dual-sport, into a very soft grassy area with plenty of room. teh reason ? speed, and mis-judging a turn. on the drz it was simple enough to lock the rear brake and pump the front quickly to prevent a lay-down. on the fz, it would have been very different i'm sure.

we learn each time we ride, there are a couple of other threads just today about similar learning expereiences, and i'm thankful folks post them.

not trying to take the fun out of going fast, just hoping (like it appears you realized) how quickly things can go really bad.

i ran wide in a turn the first time on a motorcycle a few weeks ago. it was terrifying, and i left the road traveling at only 35-40 mph, on a dual-sport, into a very soft grassy area with plenty of room. teh reason ? speed, and mis-judging a turn. on the drz it was simple enough to lock the rear brake and pump the front quickly to prevent a lay-down. on the fz, it would have been very different i'm sure.

we learn each time we ride, there are a couple of other threads just today about similar learning expereiences, and i'm thankful folks post them.


That's exactly how I wrecked my dl650...runnin wide. I was on a back road going about 55 in a 45 so not exactly flying but fast enough for this road, I started into a good left hand sweeper that slowly got tighter, half way into it I'm maybe a foot off the center line and I see headlights over the line coming at me so I kinda got scared backed off a bit and started drifting to the outside, by the time my tires were off the road, by the way this was a freshly paved road with about a 5" shoulder drop of loose asphalt, but by the time my tire were completely off the road the turn was over and going back straight, Ive slowed to about 40 at this point but I look up and about 15 yards ahead of me is a speed limit sign and that's the last thing I remember but by looking at it the next day it looks like I saw the sign then tried to jerk the bike back on the road and when I did the rear slid out into a lowside and immediately caught and flipped over and landed on the opposite side, looking at my gear it looks like it threw me off and I slid on my back for a ways, the bike had some really tuff side boxes that I had made for it but they crinkled like a coke can and the handle bars were completely rolled, but I still rode it home...barely