120 miles later......


Junior Member
Dec 5, 2008
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Redlands, CA
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so mother nature decided to bless me with beautiful weather on my day off so of course i took it upon myself to ditch the wife and go for a ride. after 120 miles i arrive home and had the stupidest grin on my face along with a very relaxed feeling. now i know that i just got into riding but i have a question. is it just because its a new thing to me or will it always be like this? i truly hope its the latter. :thumbup:
I've been on my FZ for just shy of 2 years and never a dull moment!! I can't wait for the weather to clear up here so I can get that stupid grin back on my face:D
It keeps happening for me and I'm in my 4th year of riding. It rained this morning and about mid day it cleared nicely and was sunny and warm. My dad and I nearly knocked off work and took a ride. We'd have been rained on if we had.

The siren song of the bike will always call, if you ask me. :) And a sweeter song seems implausible.
IT NEVER EVER GET'S OLD!!!!!!!!!! THE BIKES DO . (sorry still had my caps lock on)..........anyway i got my first bike at 11 years old,and i wore a ditch around my yard so deep my pegs would hit in the corners!!!!!!LOL 24 years later if the weather is bad and i get a little clear sky for a few minutes i'll ride around my hood!!!! so if you love it you will ALLLLLLLLLLLLWAAAAAAYYYYYSSSS LOVE IT!!! I'm sure these other long time rider's will confirm this!!!!
I'm in my seventh year of riding and it never gets old. I love it. My wife was initially big against it. Now there are times she tells me "You need to ride".
I love riding, but the novelty has worn off somewhat for me in terms of the afterglow. Yeah, I still love riding, but riding in L.A. traffic - not so much. YMMV.

I got bounced off of someone changing illegally out of the carpool lane a couple of weeks ago (over the double-double yellow lines), they hit my elbow and knee, because I couldn't get out of the way fast enough. Thankfully I was OK (the bike was untouched) but it put a damper on riding for me for a while. I haven't commuted to work since, though the weather hasn't been exactly cooperating anyhow.

Ride safe, enjoy but enjoy cautiously and have fun!
Got back from a two hour ride Sunday as a friend walked up to the garage where I keep the FZ, as I pulled off the helmet she said,"You always have that silly grin on your face when you've been on your bike." This will be my 41st year on two-wheels and it never gets old.
I love riding, but the novelty has worn off somewhat for me in terms of the afterglow. Yeah, I still love riding, but riding in L.A. traffic - not so much. YMMV.

I got bounced off of someone changing illegally out of the carpool lane a couple of weeks ago (over the double-double yellow lines), they hit my elbow and knee, because I couldn't get out of the way fast enough. Thankfully I was OK (the bike was untouched) but it put a damper on riding for me for a while. I haven't commuted to work since, though the weather hasn't been exactly cooperating anyhow.

Ride safe, enjoy but enjoy cautiously and have fun!

Never a dull moment in traffic, I hear ya. Get yourself a Stebel Air Horn, have some fun. You will want people to make a bad lane change so that you can scare the living daylights out of them. Just the other day, I had a SUV make a bad lane change on me on a arterial elevated highway. Rather than braking or throttling out, I hit my horn and the SUV almost rolled over. I could hear the tires screech when they jerked the wheel back into their lane. I sudden jerk like that, only supported that fact that I scared the living daylights out of them. Next...
If you're doing it "right", it only gets better. Look at Cali_Rider, he's been riding for ~30 years and is probably having more fun now than ever.
It's all good, even when it's bad it's good.

When I don't get that all happy feeling from riding I'll quit riding.

Not gonna happen anytime soon, that's a fact jack.
If you're doing it "right", it only gets better. Look at Cali_Rider, he's been riding for ~30 years and is probably having more fun now than ever.

Thanks Nate! I do enjoy the sport more than before, for 3 reasons:
- Track days have allowed me to go fast without worry of cops, hazards, etc. I just wish I had started earlier..
- Motorcycles are better than they have ever been. This is truly the "Golden Age".
- The new riders I continue to meet have enthusiasm. It's not all about reliving old times.

300 miles a week, that's all I ask for.
Wow we have some veterans here for sure. I am only into my 9th month or riding and I love it every time. If I don't ride my bike for more than two weeks, due to the cold weather here now in NJ, I get really antzy and when I do come back from each ride, the smile is always on my face.
What can I say, just love it that much. :thumbup:
i've done tens of thousands of miles on my bikes and i still love it as much as the first time i rode. I ride all year round in sun, rain, snow and ice (ice was not fun!) and i've never driven a car.
Touring Europe with some guys from the club this May, cant wait.
Rock on
I am a new rider as well, and I enjoy it every time. I find myself making excuses just to get out more. It is a blast, and a lifestyle. I just wish I had started riding sooner. Good Times!