5k miles on the 05FZ6 across USA


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Oct 21, 2015
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Hey guys I'm a bit late to join, but Ive followed this forum for months. This year me and the wife doubled up and rode from the middle of Illinois down rt66 to the Santa Monica Pier! Then back up through Utah, CO, Kansas, and MO ;). I figured some here would find it interesting. That is a ride I'd do anytime all over!!! Mountains, deserts, more mountains! Some of the most beautiful scenery in the US for sure. And talk about some fun twisty interstates with sheer drop offs on the other side. I just can't sum it all up in one post or I'd write a novel lol. This trip lasted 14 days starting mid August and ended just into September. We sure did get creative with the stock seating lol.
Minutes before the first mile while in the driveway [emoji6] rest of the pics are stops along the way. Should be able to guess some.







A little creativity for our bums- mesh seats for coolness, some dr. Scholls cut and shoe goo applied under that, but even that hot uncomfortable lol. So I found some memory foam padding to supplement even more. We averaged 400mi a day and on the last rode 560 whew!!


It was soooo nice to be back home to my best 4 legged friend Bludo [emoji190][emoji5]. Very nice trip. I've got even more photos but it's already pic heavy. Thanks for reading.
Looks like an awesome trip. You are both troopers for riding that long two up on this bike! I have made quite a few modifications to mine for long trip comfort, and I still wouldn't wanna ride that long with a pillion!
It was pretty outstanding actually trekking the roads. Even with today's technology and advancement it felt like the old open road most the time. More than a few sketchy rest areas in the middle of nowhere and people that obviously make a living being vultures at rest stops. Other people would see us a day later and 300 miles away and have to stop n say hi. Met some really cool people that way for real! There were a couple sketchy motels too lol. In Utah I jussst about pulled the bike on into the room when it got late enough. The bike seriously sold me on Yamaha bikes this year. We did several hundred miles through desert that was absolutely grueling. Literally 120*f and no stops for 80 miles wearing gloves, jackets, and helmets. I did end up having to buy a camel back water thing w the drink tube, we wouldn't of made it without that at all. Rode through a couple rainstorms too. Oddly it was a pleasant change and never lasted long.
Here's a pic of a fellow traveller we met at a rest stop. Just an old well of retired man traveling the country. He said he was on a 10-12k mi trip[emoji33]. Better seat anyways lol. There's nothing left untouched on that thing!

And you all know the bikes got an intake temp readout- we were so wore out and ready for the shower that night.

Oh and the butt cushioning in its final form!!! Haha. Really doubled up it wasn't that bad for her. You get a system down. Every so often she would stick a leg straight out and I'd hold whichever side knee out then she could rest her stretched leg on mine. I really wish I'd had some forward footrests.

Didn't really see a helmet thread. I throw this animal on when just riding around town a bit [emoji23][emoji23]. Not really for the highway since the windscreen doesn't throw even past my nipples [emoji19]. This is just a slip on cover that goes over the helmet I bought online. You simply cannot get a block without smiles lol.
Kudos to you and especially the passenger. Extremely difficult to do those kind of miles as a passenger in my opinion, on an FZ6 that is.