8/24-8/28 Eastern TN. - Western NC


Junior Member
May 23, 2011
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Peoria, IL
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I have been planning a solo camping and riding trip from IL down to Eastern TN and Western NC 8/24-8/28. The thought just occurred to me that I should open it up to anyone else that's interested. I know it's short notice for a trip this long so I aplogize in advance.

My intention is to camp for free. Primitive camp at Frozen Head State Park 8/24 and 8/27 (There will be a hike to the campsite). And Roadside camp in Pisgah Nat. Forest on 8/25 & 8/26. This is my first run at motorcycle camping so I do not plan on packing any food in unless I can find a store that is really convenient to the camping locations. I do not have exact sites picked out for camping the 2nd and 3rd night but have basic areas where I believe I can find a reasonable place to pitch a tent along NF roads (gravel). There are always campgrounds nearby as a backup plan. Also, if there is much interest and people think a campground would serve the group better, I would be willing to do that.

Below is the link to my trip on google maps. I am also willing to make slight modifications to the route if there are good roads nearby that I am missing. I would like to keep the daily mileage under 350 on the mountain road days to allow time for camp site selection, etc...


If anyone just wanted to meet up for a portion of the trip or meet up somewhere along the way that may be possible as well.

Let me Know.
OK. Apparently no takers. I will be leaving first thing in the A.M. I will be sure to put a trip report in the touring section as a means to invoke as much envy and regret as possible... :drool:
ugh... too late to reply now, but i'm from NJ and rode down to eastern TN on the 25th, i'm leaving on the 30th...

I was on the dragon on the 27th, that road is nuts... what did you think? that was the first time my footrest hit the pavement.

I'm planning on hitting the brp to mt Mitchell on Friday, let me know how that was.
Yes, the dragon is an awesome road. The balls on my peg feelers are almost gone after this trip. I even have a little extra clearance added to my center stand now as well:rockon:

The BRP was closed about 9 miles East of Asheville when I came through on Monday. I followed a detour out of Asheville that kept me on I-40 all the way to 221. I have updated my map to reflect my actual trip.

Will be working on a trip report soon...
If you can get to Cherohola highway, not far from the Dragon, its a gorgeous ride, highly recommended!

Not nearly as dangerous as the Dragon, (and no "tree of shame") but you can certainly do triples digits if that's your thing. :thumbup:
That was part of my trip as well. I hit both roads twice while I was down there. (Well, I hit the dragon twice in both directions). However, I didn't see any wrecks on the dragon but did see an ambulance bringing a guy down the NC side of the skyway. A little later I came up to the crash site and there was a downed Gold Wing with several people just standing around looking at it. I didn't stop and ask questions as it appeared the situation was already under control. Hope everything turned out okay for him though...
That was part of my trip as well. I hit both roads twice while I was down there. (Well, I hit the dragon twice in both directions). However, I didn't see any wrecks on the dragon but did see an ambulance bringing a guy down the NC side of the skyway. A little later I came up to the crash site and there was a downed Gold Wing with several people just standing around looking at it. I didn't stop and ask questions as it appeared the situation was already under control. Hope everything turned out okay for him though...

Sounds like a fun ride! Did you get "weightless" at that one spot on the Dragon? :thumbup:

As I recall, on the Cherohola there was one long fast run that came to a slow tight turn.

At least 50% of the time we we're on the Dragon, we saw a wreck. Just takes a split second of not paying attention (unless your chugging along super slow) to wreck.

Rode it on everything (including a Wing) BUT the FZ. I suspect the FZ6 would do the best being mid sized and high winder!
I guess I don't recall the weightless spot. I tend to just ride 2nd gear the whole time so I keep it pretty tame on the straights and hit the corners hard.

To me, the road is not the biggest danger. It's people crossing center or turning around in your lane on a blind corner. I actually almost hit a fellow FZ6 rider on an '05 that was doing this exact thing...:spank: