A not to Gory Reminder to wear your gear.



A not too Gory Reminder to wear your gear.

NSFW due to the damage, and the thigh pictures of dude. Wear you gear.

May 7th 2003

Its not really that nasty though, just alot of road rash.
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Yep that does the trick, His written account is excellent to. In one of the pictures there is a hospital data lable. Is the number at the top his social security number? If so there is enough info on display to create a nice little ID theft. Didn't the TL get nick named the widow maker?
His surgeon has done an excellent job to.
I still have road rash from when I was 16, almost 32 years ago. I thank God it was not even close to what happened to that fellow. I have feared just that sort of crash ever since and you wont find me riding without my gear. It makes me cringe just thinking about it.
Wow, Thats horrible. The least I ride in is jean pants, work boots, gloves, textile jacket, And helmet of course. I wear my leathers when I hit the twisties.