Adhesive Wheel Strips – FAQ

Its pretty simple to do, just make sure the wheel is clean and take your time.
Also make sure you get them by the wheel size, the ones which are cut curved to the wheel size go on real easy. And do it in small steps. I didn't use the plastic applicator and it came out fine. Plastic applicator looks easy to use but its not that difficult without it either.
Don't forget to put the pictures up when you are done....
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Ended up going the cheaper solid colour/reflective stripes. They are silver/close to white and reflect at night. One small problem - Although only about 5mm difference, I decided to put the stripes on the outer edge of the rim (near the tyre) rather than the inner edge (near the spokes). The four pieces of stripes weren't actually long enough:eek:. Luckily they give you any extra 2 strips, just now that I have a small 2 inch section to fill the gaps. Can't tell from more than 3 feet away, so not too bad.

Before - After No Flash - After With Flash
So what color did everyone use? I was thinking of orange on the front, red in the rear to kind of match up with the DOT reflectors.... which I no longer have installed :p

Barring that, I my second thought was the reflective black ones, so they'd be stealthed untill light hit them.

Anyone have links to somone that sells them in the US with the little applicator?
I put blue ones on my 07 Blue FZ6 this weekend. They came with the applicator. It was pretty easy to do and except for the color, looks good. I just wish the blue matched my bike's color more. I really like the look of rim stripes, but I can't get over the color being slightly different (since Yamaha just had to use a purplish blue). I don't know if I'm going to keep the blue ones on or get a different color.
I used windex and sprayed my already cleaned up wheels and used the pre curved rim stripes. This allowed me to move the stripes around without them being instantly stuck. Then I allowed to dry over night and they look great!!!
I'd suggest a contrasting colour so it doesn't have to match, eg silver, black or even red.
Ya, I thought about that for a bit. But the rims themselves are black, so the only way they'd be noticeable is at night if they were black reflective. Silver might be cool if I can find it! I'm not so sure about red on blue. I've seen red bikes with red stripes and love it! I'm sure if the blue did match, it'd look amazing!
Here is black on black:


"Black on black gives me a heart attack, and her silence make it deadly.."

I'm another guy in the "Silver Rim" but want to stripe it club. I may try a black stripe and see how she looks. (Blue bike)
Just installed the wheel stripes from CycleGear with the applicator. I am not impressed with the setup. No instructions for the little POS plastic thing, took me a solid 10 min to figure out how to hold the damn thing. To top it off, it expects the edge of the rim to be flat. I'm sure you can ask anyone who's done it, the edge of our rims is beveled slightly and the applicator wasn't doing is "Squeegee" effect.
Anyway, pics:
No flash


Sorry, no before pic.
To all,

If you had a kit with the applicator and are done with it, could I buy it off of you? I have plenty of black tape, but the applicator looks like it would really help out.
Used the applicator that Chaosratt sent me. Black reflective on silver rims. Worked great and took me all of 20 minutes to do all 4 sides. I'll post pictures later. Didn't have a camera handy last night. Tips, do it on the center stand and lock the front when you jack it up. I kept fighting the wheel as it turned until I decided to lock her up. :)