Anyone use a Scottoiler?


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Feb 8, 2010
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Sacramento CA USA
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Hi all, I've been thinking of adding a Scottoiler to my FZ. Does anyone have/had one on an FZ or other bike? What do you think of it? Does it work as advertised? Any negitives I should be aware of before adding this device? Thanks
Never owned one but the negatives i hear about them is always the same: too messy and too complex. From what i've read, they are designed to keep the chain wet with oil, the oil flings off and takes the dirt and such with it. Have it keeping the chain too oily and your wheel gets coated along with everything else. I have heard of some people get outstanding mileage out of chains with them though.
I have the Scottoiler on since Day 1 of my Fz6. My mileage is 40K KM, chain still good. Never tighten it before too.
As long the flow is set correctly and tip is aligned nicely you will not have flings.
I've got one on mine. It's good at keeping the chain lubed but if the bike stands for a long period (like over winter) it gums itself up and you need to reprime it.

Also there's some fiddling at first getting the speed it dribbles at set correctly.

It does mean you don't have to worry about lubing the chain at all when you ride it regularly though as it's done for you, which is nice.
I guess I just don't see the purpose. Is it really that much of a PITA to lube it every 500 miles or so seeing as most of us still have a center stand installed?
Seems like people who are taking care of their chains (ie lubing frequently) are getting really good mileage on them too. JMO though.
Hi all, I've been thinking of adding a Scottoiler to my FZ. Does anyone have/had one on an FZ or other bike? What do you think of it? Does it work as advertised? Any negitives I should be aware of before adding this device? Thanks

I have not installed one on a bike as of yet. I think they are a great way to make sure you keep the chain lubed. Constant application of lube, wins over a weekly/monthly/whenever I remember application.

Set up correctly, they seem to be a wonderful way to increase the reliability of a chain. O ring chains retain lube in the pins longer than non O rings..... obviously it's because the gaskets keep the lube in there. But it eventually works it's way out, or shclock works it's way in.

Keeping a fresh flow of oil on the chain, carrying away grit is obviously better than having stuff stick to the chain and then wiping it off some hundreds of miles later. Every little bit of grit that wears on the O rings will reduce it's sealing ability.

I don't even like to take a brush to a chain.... the bristles will poke grit into the gaskets.