Boneman - best wishes please.

Good to hear you are ok, something similar almost happened to me recently down here.
I have been thinking about wearing a Hi Visability vest, would it be rude of me to ask if you were wearing yours? (it is your avatar)

Coincidently, all Posties (post office deliverers who ride Honda 90 stepthrus) have recently changed there clothing, saddlebags and flags to fluro yello down here.

The reasoning is that car drivers don't see us (or so they say in court), have loud music playing, are old and shouldn't be driving etc etc.

Once again, I hope you recover Dave.
Thanks Mate,

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So glad to hear that you are (relatively) OK!!! In the grand scheme of things it could have been a LOT worse. Like everyone else said, it is a true testament to ATGATT. Here's to a speedy recovery and wishing you the best.
Re: Dave here! and in one piece!

I'm going to try and get copies of the photos they took at the scene and post them up. I'm donating what's left of my gear to the Safety Council to show students how gear can save your CANADAN bacon.

I fixed it for you. :p

Sorry couldn't resist. I'm glad your doing ok.:BLAA:
Glad your relatively ok, now with those soft tissue injuries, and the bleeding associated with massive bruising....i hope they are keeping a close eye out for blood clots, or DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) nasty, and is quite common with injuries of your nature!

I only say this, cause i have been through it, and it aint fun..

Sorry to be such a downer....and i am sure you will be ok...

Heal quick man.

Glad your home and recovering! Say thanks to your wife for letting us all know about your incident. I better stop. I'm getting all misty, just kidding, all of us are glad that things turned out well vs the alternative !!!

Now I presume this will add some unique content to the (Boneman) Website in the future, an enhanced safety section??
WELCOME HOME!! Boneman!:cheer:
And after the "knows her place" comment, I won't be surprised to hear that your OTHER leg IS broken! :spank:
Welcome back, Bones. Heal up quick! First you, then the much love put into it...time to dream up the next project? The site though...whatever you decide, the site is an incredible resource.
I have the same jacket! It's good to know it works :thumbup: Thanks for posting the pics.

Best wishes for a quick recovery.
Best wishes

Good to see you're on the mend fella, swift recovery and back in the saddle!

A cage driver did exactly the same to my friend last weekend, he was in the town center doing about 25mph so he only has a little hip damage.

What is it with cage drivers ffs?! it boils my piss the way they think they own the road, either that or just dont give a damn.

Sorry man, Dont mean to hi-jack, i just get soo freakin riled up when crap like this happens!

Again, speedy recovery fella, all the best ;)