Bridgestone BT-023

Now've gotten about 3000kms on the rear and Im starting to see some wear...although I've been doing particularly agressive rides lately. I must say Im a bit dissapointed with the thread life as it is certainly not any better than the bt021 as claimed by bridgestone. Other than that, performance is still very good when u lean the bike, and grip is above par even in our current 5°C-15°C temp (50 farh).
I had a bt21 rear installed back in March, and then I went back to get the front three weeks ago and got the bt23. I went on a 800+ mile round trip to hit some twisties in the Texas hill country that same week and the tire preformed well. I have around 1000 mile on the front tire so far and I can't complain.
5877 miles and about done, their down to the wear bars and then some. I think they would go a little more but I wouldn't trust them for a long ride on the super slab. Tire pressure has been maintained at 36-37 front and 37-38 rear and the rear hasn't squared off so I guess that's good.
Fronts are not too bad with 9119 miles, still good to go for a bit.



Hoped for better milage from the rear but it is what it is:rolleyes:

Damn. That's half what I've gotten from Metz Z6's, and I'm about 4k into a set of pilot road 2's now with nowhere NEAR that kind of wear.
Well they do stick really good but I think the way the freeways are constructed out here is hard on tires cause this is about the same milage I got out of the original BT020 and the BT021's and a lot of the milage was on the same freeway, the 210 between San Bernardino and Rancho Cucamonga so who knows. Maybe I twist the go handle to hard, never noticed the rear breaking loose but I do like to ride fast.:D

I rode the first 150 miles in the twisties with BTO 23 front and back yeaterday. The bike seemed to drop into the turn slightly better than the stock BTO 20 they relpaced. I pushed them as hard as my ability could up the grade and down the grade. Sometimes going WFO thru two gears then braking hard into the turn. The tires were very good and gave me more confidence than ever before. I like these tires alot, especially if they work well in the wet too.