Can they sink any lower ?

fast blue one

The number of the beast
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Oct 4, 2007
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You'd think that there would be some human rights law against that???
I forgot motorists are not allowed any.

Of course Terry Wogan has more financial qualifications than Gordon Brown.:eek:
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Just out of a morbid sense of curosisity, you guys ever thought about over throwing the idiots and sorta treating them like Italy did with Mussolini?

Just asking you know.

Thats getting batted around over here some.
Our politicians these days are beneath contempt. So many of them now have no concept of the real world, they leave school then go to university to study politics and then get a job working for a politician until eventually they stand for parliament themselves. Once in they are on a starting salary of £64766. If that's not enough they claim some rather generous and quite frankly startling expenses

Britain's Expenses Scandal: Top 10 Most Outrageous Claims
When questions are asked about these claims they either state that they had accidentally claimed them, (I'm accidentally filling in forms all the time) or say that it was within the rules but then pay it back when they are caught, minus the interest these thousands have earned them. Why pay it back if it's legitimate?.
Damn right we need a revolution.

Rant over......................................... for now.
I don't think we need a revolution, just an election. Gordon Brown has no mandate, but worst of all he is really devious, disingenuous and dislikeable. Tony Blair who was full of promise for a lot of people, not me ;), failed to deliver but he was a very amiable person and people liked him.

Just saying you know, the Itailians didnt have a revolution so much as they grabbed Mussiolini and his wife, beat them to death then hung thier corpses upside down, and spit on them.

They do seem happier now.
Just saying you know, the Itailians didnt have a revolution so much as they grabbed Mussiolini and his wife, beat them to death then hung thier corpses upside down, and spit on them.

They do seem happier now.

That sounds alot like the system the british government is trying to remove, you know the whole loser pays thing.
Obviously they are trying to get in before people realise they are the losers and make them pay.
Honestly though, thats a total and utter absolute joke.
So when they want money, the police just pull over everyone who goes past for 8 hours and they make a few million instantly, GG.
They obviously didn't THINK there is a reason that the current system is in place, IE to discourage the government from needlessly fining people.
You know what would save them money, training the police properly and stopping fining people for BS.
That or just shooting all the useless pollies who agreed with this idea. Next thing you know the pollies here in Aus will think thats a good idea too.

/riled up
I think it is a problem called the dark side of human nature. Perhaps more study should go into how not to be a$$holes to your fellow human race. All governments could benefit from this study. If governments had to abide by the same rules that they were dishing out for everyone else and lived under the same conditions as the majority of their country - I have a sneaking suspicion that the world would be a totally different kind of place.:Flash:
its gonna get to the point where i simply wont care about a licence, tax, mot, insurance. **** them. **** them all

The mad max days are getting closer!!!
I don't think we need a revolution, just an election. Gordon Brown has no mandate, but worst of all he is really devious, disingenuous and dislikeable. Tony Blair who was full of promise for a lot of people, not me ;), failed to deliver but he was a very amiable person and people liked him.

and the next one will also be a similar robbing bar steward as well. They are all in it for themselves, just a matter of sorting out which one is lying the least. Would be nice to have a hung parliament once again to see what happens and teach them all a lesson.
and the next one will also be a similar robbing bar steward as well. They are all in it for themselves, just a matter of sorting out which one is lying the least. Would be nice to have a hung parliament once again to see what happens and teach them all a lesson.

A HUNG parliament now you're talking, I can see them all swinging from lamposts all the way down the Mall....................... Oh that kind of hung parliament.

Oh well never mind it was a lovely day dream while it lasted.
and the next one will also be a similar robbing bar steward as well. They are all in it for themselves, just a matter of sorting out which one is lying the least.


Would be nice to have a hung parliament once again to see what happens and teach them all a lesson.

I think a hung parliament is not a good thing; produces weak laws and an indecisive government.