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  • I was going to ask it that was an Angry Bird in your avatar, but from your home page, I can see it is LOL
    Thanks for the friend request mate! Somehow I thought we were already friends, or I would have sent a request too!
    Hey Grommit, thanks for doing all those interviews. I love reading them! You do a great job keeping up with everyone!
    hi i am new on this forum and also new to owning a fz6. which is nice. my bike is a silver fz6n 2005 model. i am looking for a screen. i have looked at the range available to my bike and cannot find one that is as stylish as the screens for the s2 bikes. i.e. symetrical and generally more sporty looking. does anybody know if the new type screens for the s2 models will fit a 2005 bike? and if not why wont they fit, as i cannot see a big difference in the front end of the bike apart from the clocks. thanks andy.
    You got a 10 from me, for your kitty! I just want to squeeze him...he looks so squishy!!!!
    Hey Grommit,
    am really enjoying the interview thread, good job.
    Is there any way of getting it into alphabetical order. I think that this would make it easier to find people. Especially for the new guys n girls.


    I have either a bike Data Tag or Smart Water kit to give away. As a Forum friend, you have 1st choice. If you want it, email me at work ([email protected]) with your address by 1200 on the 23rd, if not it will be sent (provided you would like it) when I get back from a blast to the Assen Moto GP, from the 25/6-1/7). The kit has to be for your use only as I have to register it with the Donor Org in your name... sorry, their rules.

    Best wishes, Mark
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