Car vs Motorcycle: Crash + Road Rage


Be nice i am
May 25, 2010
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Telford England
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Just found this and it is absolutely infuriating. The bike was in the right.

Sorry about the language.

I would have turned the camera off and give him a slap.

[ame=]Car vs Motorcycle: Crash + Road Rage - YouTube[/ame]
damn not even a "sorry" or "ARE YOU OKAY?"...just starting cursing at eachother wow wtf
Pretty rediculous that he would accuse the scooter of being at fault given that the car swiped him as the car passed the scooter. Regardless if the bike was riding a non-existent line, the car still hit him.:rolleyes:
Pretty rediculous that he would accuse the scooter of being at fault given that the car swiped him as the car passed the scooter. Regardless if the bike was riding a non-existent line, the car still hit him.:rolleyes:

I agree... as a bonus the biker has the whole incident on video as proof...
Yeah, and I'm fairly certain that motorcycles are entitled to the full use of the lane. Just a guess.

I'm also fairly certain that the beginning of an exit to a roundabout doesn't count as another lane, so I fail to see how he "came across" as he had plainly signaled well prior to exiting. And he exited far in advance, it wasn't a last second deal.

The arrogance and blatant disregard of the "Driving Instructor/Crash Inspector" is appalling. I fully believe that he did just "**** up". Had it gone worse, I fail to see any jury of his peers not finding him guilty of manslaughter or assault. After watching the video several times, it's quite apparent to me that he meant to hit the bike as the car had several feet of spare room to the right...
Just another typical prick in their luxury ride who think they literally own the road, I scared the hell out of one the other day a lady in her Benz on the phone tried merging from the center turn lane right on top of me almost just like this video but I dropped the clutch and let that 6 sing bouncing off the rev limiter and she literally dropped her phone and swerved so hard to the opposite direction that she was 1/2 way in the opposite direction of travel
Right after the first hit, cager cuts him off and slams on his is that about? If the first hit was a total accident, a normal reaction would have been to swerve in the other direction.
This made me remember the thread someone started about having a handgun in your tankbag. It's called "concealed carry" - I think? This video re affirms why I would never trust my self with a gun at my finger tips. When that fat prick come around the back of his car, I would have capped his ass! lol....maybe???
This made me remember the thread someone started about having a handgun in your tankbag. It's called "concealed carry" - I think? This video re affirms why I would never trust my self with a gun at my finger tips. When that fat prick come around the back of his car, I would have capped his ass! lol....maybe???