Central WA?

Yakima. Great rides between here and Oly or North Bend. . . .

You guys up for some sort of group ride?
I haven't done a St. Helens ride yet. That's definitely worth a thought.
I've heard ST Helens is an incredible ride. I haven't been up by ST Helens though since the mid-80's. It kinda blew back then (Sorry bad pun)
Anyway I grew up in Sunnyside and still have family in Yakima so I get up that way from time to time. Mind if I look you up next time I'm up that way? Know if anyone rents bikes in Yakima? Even if it is a Harley, at least it has two wheels.
I go up St. Helens at least three times a year I tend to go up the Front side to Johnston Ridge the road is much better. I would love to hook up with a couple people and run up that way !