Cheap way to make the seat comfier??


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Apr 13, 2008
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Off around europe in 4 weeks...wooop....but i think me and the better half's arses are gonna be a tad rare after 3000 miles.

Funds are almost non-existant so a corbin etc is out the window. Anyone have a bodge solution, short of bungeeing my pillow to the seat lol
I've got 240 miles to do in 4 hours tomorrow, I reckon bungeeing a pillow to the seat will sound tempting after the first 2 hours. Hav fun on your trip, where you going? Will you perchance persuade 'er indoors to go to the nurburgring?
search for shaving the seat... you can pull up the seat cover and shave the foam yourself to get a better fit for your rear... others have also placed pads ont heir seat or purchased padded cycling shorts
I have always thought about doing something to my seat.

I have thought about the shaving down idea, but instead of cutting the edges, cut the middle of the foam out. buy the heavy duty heat/ice gel packs and duct tape around them for added protection, place the ice packs in the middle and then save the edges so there is barely a foam lip.

Cut and carved gel seat for 20 bucks :D
I honestly don't think the seat is that bad. I made a 6hr ride soon after getting the bike and my butt never hurt. Can't say the same for my hands, they were numb for days. I do wish the seat was somehow more contoured as to prevent you from sliding/moving around and keep you in a stable position.
call a local upholstery shop and see if they do foam replacement (on motorcycles)...some shops have atomic foam, or similar, to help with comfort.
Go to your local bicycle shop and buy a pair of cycling shorts. They have gel chamois that take the pressure off and help with the vibration some. You can wear them under pants or riding pants. This is what I use; I have a boney butt and this helps!
Go to your local petshop. They may sell sheepskin pads for pet beds. They make great pads for your seat and you can get them in black as well.

Cycling shorts also help.

Top tip: Take plenty of breaks.

Where are you going in Europe?

I'm looking for some seat options too. I called some upholstery places and they're willing. Has anyone every done this? Im primarily replacing the fabric because it ripped, but I wonder what kind of padding I could put into it.
Off around europe in 4 weeks...wooop....but i think me and the better half's arses are gonna be a tad rare after 3000 miles.

Funds are almost non-existant so a corbin etc is out the window. Anyone have a bodge solution, short of bungeeing my pillow to the seat lol

Dont diet!!
Speaking from some experience with long, continuous rides, I think the stock seat isn't that bad. I'm betting your feet/legs will suffer as much as your butt.

My best advice? Take a break - however short - every 70 miles. It'll make a WORLD of difference. Even 5 minutes will work. Cycling shorts are also a very good idea (the best ones are LDcomfort shorts from, but you're obviously in a hurry).

Good luck!
I like the cycling shorts idea! will look into those.

Im off to the Alps, staying in North Italy and south France for a few days then back up to Scotland via Paris. Not bothering with the nurburgring, figured ill wait till i have a bigger bike and no girlfriend to slow me down ;)
I like the cycling shorts idea! will look into those.

Im off to the Alps, staying in North Italy and south France for a few days then back up to Scotland via Paris. Not bothering with the nurburgring, figured ill wait till i have a bigger bike and no girlfriend to slow me down ;)

I sent my seat off to Viking Vinyl,found them on e bay UK.
Had it cut back so I could sit further back and had a gel pad inserted.
Wasnt cheap though (about 100 quid)also you are without your bike for a week which is a pain.
It is better but not perfect but Ive ordered some bar raisers which I think should do the trick.:thumbup:
Buy a gel seat pad mate. You can get loads of different ones on ebay. It makes a big difference. I did a search for you here.

They strap on, but if you're worried about it slipping you could buy some non-stick mat stuff to put underneath it. You can buy it from Ikea, Poundshops and motorbike shops (also called an Oxford blanket).
I've had this site bookmarked for some time now, but I haven't gotten around to doing it, and it is hard to find good foam.... - Home Page

I've been considering adding some higher density foam or gel to the seat to help on long rides. It's a pretty comfortable seat but the foam compresses a bit too much and I end up feeling the effects of riding on the plastic shell. This site gets really involved. Nice find.

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