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Commute on your scoot day


Oct 10, 2007
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South Africa

Oh yes me ole buckos, it’s that time of the year again. The chill of winter has gone. Buds are blossoming, lambs are frolicking and it’s time to dust the cobwebs off the bike and get ready for summer. As Spike Milligan wrote:

Grass is green
Nuts are brown
Skirts up
Panties down.

Friday 3 October is the day on which all South African bikers are encouraged to ride to work by bike and there are so many good reasons to do just that. In case you hadn’t noticed the traffic congestion is getting worse by the day. Petrol prices are astronomical. So what’s the answer? The answer is to Commute on Your Scoot.

Friday 3 October is also National Bikers’ Day, just like Mothers’ Day and Youth Day and all the other national days. It just hasn’t been ratified by parliament yet. Nor has it been presented to parliament and probably never will be but that’s no reason not to ride to work. Just do it!

It’s also the day on which THINK BIKE will be TAKING IT TO THE STREETS with a massive pamphlet and sticker handout to motorists around the country but mainly in Gauteng.

Around the country bike clubs will be organizing social events after work on Friday. So if you’re an El Presidento then get your maats together and organize an opskop and get the other local clubs to join you.

There are no badges, no rules, no committees, no prizes, no sponsors and certainly no good excuses not to ride to work by bike.

If you want to publicize the jol you are organizing for Commute on Your Scoot then contact the webmasters at:
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Similarly, if you’re looking for news on jols in your area then visit those websites.

The BIG JOBURG JOL will be at The Baron Sandton, corner of Protea and Rivonia Roads. From Sandton City ride 500m on Rivonia towards Rosebank and the Baron is on your left. Dedicated bike parking. Music and DVDs played at heart stopping volume by the well known One For The Road rally truck Mustang Sally. Special beer prices for bikers. This is a party you do not want to miss. Pull in Cuzzins. Let’s just hope that it doesn’t hose down this year like it did last year……

Diarise it NOW. Commute on Your Scoot. Friday 3 October 2008.
Yeah, with the fuel prices and congestion, we're getting a huge influx of new riders. Problem is they're stoopid. No really, they don't wear gloves "because it's too hot" and other gear is laughable to them. On the scooters open face helmets are the rage ...

As i've mentioned before, it's really dangerous out here ... cars don't care and the bikers don't know. Trying to fix it one biker at a time :)
Open faces on scooters are one thing, shorts and slip slops on an R-1 or Gixxer are something totally different, and something I see all the time. I sometimes ride in jeans and a t shirt but I ALWAYS wear gloves (I have a nice pair of short Dainese with aluminium knuckle sliders) and always either my Cats or my Alpinestars boots.

I have a friend who flipped a ZX-10 wearing takkies (sneakers to you foreigners :)) and his ankles are permanently buggered.