Cool video

Well I liked the Music...Linkin Park is always nice....


I did not think the vid was the least bit cool....

As a rider for many years I get NO THRILL form seeing one crash after another....

my GOd man those were real people getting racked up....

there were sone nice saves but TOO MANY guys getting messed up

I did not make it even half way through...

WELCOME to the FORUM by the way

I bicycled through Boise this summer on the way to New Hampshire from the Oregon coast.....
I don't think there were too many serious injuries from those crashes. (well most of them anyway!) Racing is a whole different ride than what we do on the streets. When I raced (many moons ago) I expected to drop it once in a while. If I didn't, I wasn't pushing myself and learning. Nice video.:thumbup:
I don't think it was a cool video. I don't get any channels with the MotoGP on so I don't watch motorcycle racing; I never knew how dangerous it was--not necessarily the racing, but the starting...that's when the people really got hurt.

welcome to the forum, post video's to your hearts content, just warn if they have gore or anything possibly inappropriate.
I hardly think this would be considered inappropriate. Nothing gory, just a couple of crashes and a few very nice saves. Let's not get out of control with the warnigs, I would hade for someone to be afaid to post something as they think it may offend someone. We are all adults here. :thumbup:
I was not inferring that it needed a warning... I just do not find crashes Cool.

I would encourage video posting ....and if I do not like it I can hit "stop" (like I did ) no worries

In the same breath we do not all have to agree on everything..... we just have to put our opinions as that "opinions" and disagree agreeably
For the most part I agree...but what I like about this video is how the music is so well synced to the video. I also don't find anything cool about about crashes, especially for the "real world" riders who are just trying to survive the idiots in cages. In my defense, these guys are all pros who knew the hazards and choose to push the edge.
I love that highside save!!!! thats right out of the old west!!!:rockon: