Dashcam of fatal motorcycle chase, biker crashes into cop car


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Mar 24, 2011
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In Fowlerville, MI earlier this week a high speed chase at 4:20 AM ended in the biker being killed by rear ending a cop car that was merging on the express way to join the chase.

I obviously can't defend the bikers actions at all, however, I would think that police officers would have more sense and know that there is really only 2 ways this kind of chase is going to end, either the biker will get away, or there will be a horrible crash. Chasing a biker like this who is obviously not going to stop will just cause them to ride faster and more wrecklessly:

Dash Cam: LiveLeak.com - Dashcam Video of Fatal Motorcycle Chase
I think as with any profession or group, there are good and bad cops. Some i meet are some of the most decent men and women I know, others seem to abuse privileges and ride around on a pretty high horse. But in this situation, I can't blame the officer. They seem to be following protocol on what they are trained to do. The rider is at fault here; his choices resulted in these consequences. I only have sympathy for the rider's family and for the officer whose car was struck. I hope he doesn't feel guilt for what happened.

That being said, I think we need to nationally review the procedures for high speed chases. In this circumstance, the time of day and conditions were probably best case scenario for third parties as the roads seemed pretty clear, but too often these chases are on crowded highways or busy side streets and I hate hearing about the innocent victims that were just on their way to school or stepping out for lunch.

At some point in a chase, there needs to be a consensus that enough is enough. If the cops already have the license plate, back off, and put the hours in later to track him down and bust him. OP is right, there are really only a few ways for these to end; the majority of them aren't good.

Just another sad story all around.


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I obviously can't defend the bikers actions at all, however, I would think that police officers would have more sense and know that there is really only 2 ways this kind of chase is going to end, either the biker will get away, or there will be a horrible crash. Chasing a biker like this who is obviously not going to stop will just cause them to ride faster and more wrecklessly:

Dash Cam: LiveLeak.com - Dashcam Video of Fatal Motorcycle Chase

Agreed, and chances are that the rider will crash since most riders do not have the skills to ride that fast. That being, the police have to seriously start revaluating what kind of mess is ahead of them because we all know how it's going to end.

Once again, not saying that the rider was right from running, but look at the mess from the aftermath. Whenever there is a fatality involved, it involves a lot of manpower to investigate, secure the scene including closing the highway for hours and mountains of paperwork for all that were involved.

Could this have been avoided. Yes. A decision that the police can only decide. Was this worth it?
Should the cops have chased him? I can't answer that. But I don't think its their fault this happened at all - this was 100% rider idiocy.
I obviously can't defend the bikers actions at all, however, I would think that police officers would have more sense and know that there is really only 2 ways this kind of chase is going to end, either the biker will get away, or there will be a horrible crash. Chasing a biker like this who is obviously not going to stop will just cause them to ride faster and more wrecklessly.
I have to respectfully disagree here. If the cops had a policy to break off a chase if it becomes apparent the biker won't stop, then most bikers will do the same thing.
Cops did the right thing, and I hope they continue to do so.
I have to respectfully disagree here. If the cops had a policy to break off a chase if it becomes apparent the biker won't stop, then most bikers will do the same thing.
Cops did the right thing, and I hope they continue to do so.

Anyone who rides likes this and runs from the cops is an idiot and he is not getting smarter any time soon. Its just a matter of time for this guy to go down or soon be chased down by another officer for another traffic law violation. He is a moron and he will repeat this behavior. Somewhere down the line he wont be lucky.

Is it really worth it to chase him to the point where he will rear end a car with a baby in it at speeds exceeding 130mph? I think not.
I dont see anything wrong with what the cop did, he stayed way far back enough that he was not "pushing" the rider to go faster, he followed at a safe distance at lower speed the retard on the bike had the foolish idea the faster he went that he could get away.

The only point to be made from this video is pull the **** over if you are getting stoppped, if you speed and ride super fast and you get caught take your punishment like a man and move on. running from the cops is retarded.
It said that he was clocked at over 100mph before cops were involved, he most likely would have ended up crashing somewhere along the way because if they backed off he would have assumed he had outrun them and kept at it to make sure. Regardless, He ran and didn't just stop he got what he deserved..... Once again guns to kill people, people kill people.... motorcycles don't kill people, inexperienced, idiotic people kill people.....
a rider who runs is taking his life in his own hands, for sure.... but I bet that cop moved in front of that bike to stop him and.... well, it worked.
That being said, I think we need to nationally review the procedures for high speed chases. In this circumstance, the time of day and conditions were probably best case scenario for third parties as the roads seemed pretty clear, but too often these chases are on crowded highways or busy side streets and I hate hearing about the innocent victims that were just on their way to school or stepping out for lunch.

At some point in a chase, there needs to be a consensus that enough is enough. If the cops already have the license plate, back off, and put the hours in later to track him down and bust him. OP is right, there are really only a few ways for these to end; the majority of them aren't good.

Just another sad story all around.


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agreed - there is absolutely NO NEED in chasing a suspect on a motorcycle. all he can do is crash, or cause innocent motorists to crash.

car chases are just as deadly and unneeded. gather the information, and then do real police work and track the person down. nab them at work, or walking to the car. like i said, DO POLICE WORK and take in criminals in an ORDERLY, PLANNED MANNER. what we see in this video is terrible use of resources, terrible direction, and terrible consequences.