dirty water from other cars on helmet visor SOLUTION!


Junior Member
Oct 10, 2008
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This is a mod I made and it includes using rain-x.

Tired of using a bag of water and squeezing it on my visor, to clean the dirty water from the cars in front, without rubbing and scratching the shield,......
I put a water pump and now I spray water any time I want... And mantain my visor clean!!!!!!
I'll be posting pics and vidro soon
Ok what's the deal here. 3 of this guys similar post have been nuked as SPAM. Not sure what the deal here is.

BTW, Rain-X don't do jack sh$t on plastic visors - it only works on glass....hence it dosn't work for visors.

I'm hoving over the Delete Thread button.....
I really hope he comes back with a picture of a helmet that has little wiper blades on the visor...:D
Yeah but a "water pump"? Where, on his helmet? So that means you need a reservoir of some sort to hold the water/Rain-ex!?!? I'm picturing a Camel-bak, with the drinking tube going up to his helmet, with an old car windsheildwasher pump duct taped to the side of his helmet. Then how does one power said water pump?!? :confused: :rolleyes:

....this ought to be good. Let me know when I can return from the edge of my seat!!
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Rain- X works for me on my visor...

Besides i don;t think he is promoting rain x, i think he is promoting that Rain-X is not enough and wants to show an aparatus to assist with the rain x.
i might want to take this and mod the mod so that i can have a motorized super soaker mounted on the bike so i can spray squids when i see them...
or use it to spray some kind of nastyness on cars that clean their windshields when you're riding behind them, never had the honour of getting a free shower yet, but a friend of mine keeps complaining about it :rolleyes:
drinky - but why sink to their level.. as well as it sure wouldnt be fun to explain to the cops why your driving around with a squirt gun full of pee :)...

motorized pump for washing the visor.. maybe a quart bottle in a tank bag with a line to the top of your helmet... seems mroe trouble than its worth
motorized pump for washing the visor.. maybe a quart bottle in a tank bag with a line to the top of your helmet... seems mroe trouble than its worth
+1! Most wet weather golves have a little squeegie built into the thumbs just for the purpose of clearing your visor.

Lets face it, visibility in the rain usually sucks, but as riders we just deal with it. I have more issue with fogging than water/spray on my visor anyway.

Last year on that show "Dragons Den", they showed a quick clip of a guy trying to promote/sell a MC visor wiper balde thingy. He got turned down. I always thought if someone could make some sort of small, motorized and universal fit visor wiper, you'd be a rich man. I guess not...

Anyway, hope this guys posts some pics soon as I'm tired of speculating what he's got going on.
Rain-X does work, but read the site's warnings about plastics. This product will eventually cloud plastics and reduce visability.

Spray on Turtle Wax and buff clear. Water still beads up and it is safe for plastics. :thumbup:
Spray on Turtle Wax and buff clear. Water still beads up and it is safe for plastics. :thumbup:

I too have used auto wax on windshields and helmet visors. I found though that while water races to the edges when riding in the rain, when riding in the dark it made oncoming headlights shine oddly, like stars. It's hard to describe...no, I didn't smoke anything. ;) I haven't put it back on since.

So where is this guy with his system??? :confused:
The problem with Rain-X is that it attacks the plastic of your visor at a chemical level, embrittling the visor over time. Eventually the impact resistance of your visor will be compromised which will allow the visor to shatter rather than stop stones and road debris, etc. I use a basic lens cleaning solution from my opticians and clean my visor prior to every ride, any rain or water build-up while riding and I just flick my head from side to side, the water just blows off!
Found a photo of the device:
