Do you follow other riders?

I actually met one of my riding buddies this way Blah I was getting ready to turn down a street and he turned off that street so I spun around and fallowed him to what turned out to be his families restaurant. I wanted to get a side by side view of his 05 R6 and my 04 FZ6. We stood around talking for a bit and have been riding together since. I admit now that I look back at it he probably thought I was some psycho but hay it worked out and we ride when ever we get a chance now. :thumbup:
I pretty much only use my bike for fun rides. Many times I will follow someone/group when out on a ride I don't care what kind of bike they have. I do make a exception for squids they usually get frightened and run away at triple digit speeds anyway.
So if I just pull up in staggered position and can see your face shield in your mirrors is that okay?
I've only done this once so far as I'm a new rider and I don't want to accidentally piss someone off.

Yeah, if you can see the other rider's face in his/her mirror, you shouldn't be in their blind spot. Now if they aren't monitoring their mirrors like they should, well........ :D
When I catch peeps, I usually follow 'em fer a spell, 'n hope they git outta mah way. If'n they'z go'in a good clip, I may just hang, butt often they'z too damn slow fer mah like'n. Especially them groups of harleys; outta mah way bishes! :rof:
Luv the look on their faces when they'z try'in ta be all bad ass 'n sum chump on a little FZ spanks their asses! :spank: