Dodge ram 1500 Vrs ford ranger

No I'm not giving him my personal vehicle it technically is my bosses also. I'm gonna settle up with the guy and find another job. The carlot is 3 miles away from the shop and I will not drive Any of his vehicles off that carlot. I don't get it. What happeneds if a customer gets hit while test driving. My boss is close family, but it does feel like I'm taking a screwing. I am just working here until I get out of paramedic school. But i don't get paid near enough to be a mechanic (8.50$h) and deal with this ****. It's not like I was joy Riding in the ratty ass truck.

BTW can a mod change the name to something a little bit more discreet so no other party can stumble upon this? I wasn't thinking about that...

This is the number one reason why you should get a lawyer, if I was your boss and your family I would let the insurance cover it and personally take to a doctor for check up and x-rays... He is not doing the right thing. If your getting out of school and all that, this is the last thing you need on your plate. Specially with the other guys (dodge guy) in the middle. He could have back problems a year from now because of the accident and he will come an hunt your life... Get the lawyer and get out of this mess. I manage a warehouse and I know for a fact that our business insurance covers more than what you think.. Good luck and take care..
This is the number one reason why you should get a lawyer, if I was your boss and your family I would let the insurance cover it and personally take to a doctor for check up and x-rays... He is not doing the right thing. If your getting out of school and all that, this is the last thing you need on your plate. Specially with the other guys (dodge guy) in the middle. He could have back problems a year from now because of the accident and he will come an hunt your life... Get the lawyer and get out of this mess. I manage a warehouse and I know for a fact that our business insurance covers more than what you think.. Good luck and take care..

Sorry for jumping in like I did.. I just realized that maybe you just wanted to tell us your story not get advised on how to handle it.... At the end is up to you.. Take care and ride/drive safe... or not! lol :BLAA:

Sorry for jumping in like I did.. I just realized that maybe you just wanted to tell us your story not get advised on how to handle it.... At the end is up to you.. Take care and ride/drive safe... or not! lol :BLAA:


A little bit of both lol. It's cool i appreciate the opinions everyone
I agree with most everything said about your employer being ultimately on the hook. But three phrases from the OP caught my attention:

  • "unofficial lot truck"
  • "unofficial employer"
  • "My boss is close family"

I'm going to out on a limb here: are you working under-the-table?

The sage wisdom offered collectively by the members of this board to further your best interests - and the course of action they recommend - may change dramatically if this is the case.

Regardless: very glad you're not hurt, and I wish you the best outcome possible. :)
Well technically not under the table it i get a 1099 but yea. I'm gonna square this away and find something else. Hell I can flip burgers and make just as much.
That dude above is right, I'm pretty sure he can change his mind and come after you after the fact. May want to get this one squared away legally.