Dumb But Obvious

Don't let cops see you riding on the sidewalk to your neighbors' driveway because they both have flat curbs but you don't.

But I do recommend trying it when you're all clear for practice. :D
Boy am I glad to hear I'm not the only one that's caught his boot lace in a footpeg, luckily managed to "unhook" it before I dumped the bike. Now I make sure I tuck the laces in the top of my boots. ;)
Remember that when wearing your thermals under your zipped in full leathers. It is advisable to plan bathroom stops before you get the final call from your bladder.
Removing three layers of gear and unzipping with cold fingers may result in a warm leg.:eek:

Find firm footing. Stopped once on loose gravel patch, foot slid, balance went, bike laid down taking me with it. Bike OK, I'm Ok but Ego took a bruising.
Thanks guys new to the furom, have only been riding my first summer but have done a few of these good laughs tho :) especially the looking at girls who are looking at me riding
Great thread guys :thumbup:
Suppress all sneezes while wearing a full-face helmet. :tard:
That's why I wear a flip up ;)

Raise side stand BEFORE engaging 1st gear and releasing clutch,doubly so when showing friends new bike.
I did the same just after buying my new bike, only I didn't realise what had happened (my previous bikes didn't do this), so my mate had to point it out to me :eek:

If your bike wont start, check some idiot hasn't flipped off the kill switch before you call a Breakdown Patrolman.
Yes, I have been called out to repair this a few times!

Also check that your tankbag is not positioned to far forwards, I once wove between traffic to get to the front of the queue at a traffic light, while doing my last weave my tankbag hit the kill switch, at this moment the light turned green. Although it only took me a couple of seconds to figure out what was wrong, it felt like an eternity, with me holding up the traffic behind :eek:
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Don't let inexperienced passengers sit with you on the back of your bike until you yourself have experience riding with one. (especially when its your mom lol) Almost dumped in the driveway that day :eek:

Then be careful not to blame the incident on their weight... :spank:
OMG!!! Kens is a classic!!! MOM= NO NO for about a month after riding...
Not judging, just appreciating that I'm not the only one.