Dumbest thing you've ever heard a motorcyclist say?


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Jun 5, 2011
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I know lots of you have some stories to share about some of the outrageous things people who ride or don't ride say about motorcycles.

The other day I was talking to a guy who said "I've never owned/ridden a street bike, but if a buy one. It will be a hayabusa because my friend has one and its fast at the strip."

And another at the store this morning.

Him: how big is that bike?
Me: 750
Him: pfft, I got a R1 bro.

And he walks off. Guy had to weigh about 130lbs. MSRC anyone? I doubt it hahaha.
#1. Guy on a GSXR 750 to me on my FZ6 at a gas pump:

"that the new R6?"

This was back in about 2008 but still...the FZ6 looks nothing like an R6.

#2. Riding buddy of mine

"I never use the rear brake"

I'm sure I'll think of a few more.
"You should have learned on a bigger bike cause you learned all kinds of bad habits on that smaller bike. Now that you're on that 750 you'll have no idea what to do if the front end starts, oh, going back and forth."

Me: Ease off the throttle and hope for the best. I prefer not to get into a tank slapper in the first place.

"Oh, see, now you're dead. You gotta get your front wheel in the air man! That's how I get out of mine. The big bikes do that on every turn."

Me: Oh, you mean the little head shake you get when you're riding at the edge of traction and accelerating out of the turn. That's nothing to worry about, just stay on it and let the bike do it's thing. The pros are doing a power wheelie cause they're trying to win, not to get out of a headshake. Now, you CAN get out of a proper tank slapper by doing a wheelie, but I've yet to met a person that could have proper clutch or throttle control to get it up while the bike is trying to buck you off.

"What do you know, genious. I run tens on my turbo busa, you don't even race do you."

Me: Aaaand, I'm done.

A quick youtube search will reveal that a turbocharged busa should run a 7.3-7.5 in the quarter mile. And that a GSXR600 with just an extended swingarm and stiffer clutch springs will run high nines and low tens. In case you didn't know that off the top of your head.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say 90% of the 'dumb things heard' were spoken by guys on on a Gixxer, busa's included.

"I don't have to check my mirrors cause I'm always passing people"
Re: Re: Dumbest thing you've ever heard a motorcyclist say?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say 90% of the 'dumb things heard' were spoken by guys on on a Gixxer, busa's included.

"I don't have to check my mirrors cause I'm always passing people"

My buddy has a gixxer 6 and his bike decided to get backed into by a large truck. Well he couldn't be riding around with scratched mirrors, so he took them off. He has been riding for about 2 months last fall and said the same thing about passing people, lol.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say 90% of the 'dumb things heard' were spoken by guys on on a Gixxer, busa's included.

You got something against GSX-R's? :Flip:

:lol: I'm only kidding. Sort of. The guy I bought my GSXR off of had taken the mirrors off and lost them. He said "it was safer to just look anyway." At this point I've got one mirror on and I'm waiting for the other to get here. My post office sucks and returned the package because the guy wrote my last name with a "i" instead of a "y". :rolleyes: So I've got to wait another week.
Yeah. I'm gonna buy my next one new. I like them well enough, but it's hard not to buy one from a squid, and there's no telling what they did to it. You buy an FZ6 and 9 times out of 10 it was well taken care of and the guy wants to make sure you have gear.
I throw ball bearings at cars over my shoulder that are tailgaiting me

Im all for defensive driving, but this seems like a good way to have a cage start a road rage vendetta!!

Originally Posted by lawlberg View Post
I'm going to go out on a limb and say 90% of the 'dumb things heard' were spoken by guys on on a Gixxer, busa's included.

"I don't have to check my mirrors cause I'm always passing people"

Plus they create a TON of drag, I took mine off so that I am more aerodynamic. Now I can zooooooooooooooooooooooooom! :rockon:
"What do you know, genious. I run tens on my turbo busa, you don't even race do you."

A quick youtube search will reveal that a turbocharged busa should run a 7.3-7.5 in the quarter mile. And that a GSXR600 with just an extended swingarm and stiffer clutch springs will run high nines and low tens. In case you didn't know that off the top of your head.

I was going to say that's really slow, a stock bike (same type) should do better than 10s.
To be fair, there are some experts (like Keith Code) who advocate using only the front brake.

Keith is a racing expert - so that is where most of his insight is directed. Some slow speed maneuvering is best done with the rear or both, like in a parking lot or if you need to come to a full stop quickly - there are also other situations in corners where dragging the rear a little bit will help with your smoothness/the trail through it, but yeah, not that necessary.

"While it is true that a motorcycle will come to a full stop quicker with both brakes applied, in racing, you don't come to a full stop until you're done" - Keith Code
Guy that a girl acquaintance is dating.

"I don't where a helmet or proper gear ever, lets face it, if I go down on the hwy, gear or no gear I'll be dead. "

I tried to beat some sense into him but I eventually gave up. He was a special kind of stupid
I've heard the best way to get out of head wobble (pre tank slapper) is by hitting the back brake. I've never tried it so I don't know.

My list starts with:

"you mean dropping the bike (forced low side) isn't the best way to do an emergency stop" some new Harley/cruiser rider (vest didn't have many patches yet)

"If you were riding a real bike that wouldn't have happened" (by someone who has never owned or ridden said to me after my accident in 09')

"a 1000cc? so that's like a Harley Sportster" (non rider commenting about my new "to me" FZ1)

"I think new riders should start on a litter bike at track days, that way they can slow down for the turns but keep up on the straights and have more fun that way." (some guy who actually did track days and had an R1 track bike)

"he said he's bored with riding so that's why he's up on one wheel all the time" (told to me by someone else justifying why someone rides on the interstate on one wheel)

Then there's also the non-verbal too. Someone looking at me in my gear while shaking their head as they ride off in a half helmet, t-shirt, shorts, and sneakers.
To be fair, there are some experts (like Keith Code) who advocate using only the front brake.

I can see that being true on the track, but during an emergency braking maneuver, why lose out on available braking?

For most riding I will admit, the front brake is all you need. The rear brake has more use then simply aiding the front brakes to slow the bike down faster.

I use my rear brake for:

1. flashing my brake light when slowly stopping for a light

2. stabilizing the bike from jerking in slow (parking lot) manuevers

3. trail braking entering a decreasing radius corner
"I was told never to use my rear brake because it might hang up on my new chrome exhaust pipe"

-Said my mom's friend after dumping her harley sportster over because it started to roll backward after having to stop behind traffic an a steep hill. IDIOT harley rider! Lets buy more chrome for no function at all! Needless to say, I picked the bike up off the ground grabbed a foot full of rear brake after starting it up and drove it away for her as smooth as pie!