Dust storms


Junior Member
May 7, 2009
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So how are all you New South Wales / Victoria guys coping? I guess you can't ride in those conditions...

It's a good time to be a car wash owner :D
So how are all you New South Wales / Victoria guys coping? :D
Dag, no pun intended, but when it rains, it pours!!! Dust storms, earth quakes, bush fires, hail storms!!! What's going on down there??? It looks like you're having all disasters at once!
I had to go out to Gosford yesterday and took the car because the wind was so strong.
Also even in the car the dust was coming in and it was pretty horrible.
Saw quite a few people on bikes, but I definately wouldn't have wanted to be them, the wind was blowing so hard people where swerving in their lanes on the freeway, visibility wasn't that bad where I was but I heard some areas where much worse (esp.earlier in the morning).
It was a pretty amazing sight at sunrise though, the world was literally this deep red.
I ahve not edited these in anyway





was pretty eerie at 6:30 am or so.
Looks like some sorta Science Fiction movie....

That is pretty crazy...i bet everything is filthy!
When I went out all the bike covers had thick orange layers of dust in all the contours, was pretty amazing. Was just glad everything was covered! Definately wouldn't be good for the chain, bearings etc

I was woken up at 7 by a screaming woman too. If it was the apocalypse why scream, would be time to start looting! I mean.... praying <.< >.>
Wow...thats pretty amazing. Looks like here was a filter on the camera. I wonder if riding in that would automatically void your warranty lol
Brings back memories from the Gulf war mark 1. Different colour smoke but similar effect. I came up on deck ten miles out from Kuwait and thought I'd got my clock 12 hours out....until I realised I could just make out the sun through the smoke.

Much prettier colour than burning oil and dust though:thumbup:.

It certainly looks like something from a sci-fi movie!! Thanks for sharing the pics. The story of the dust storm made it all over the world. Saw a pic on the news this morning of the ampitheatre..barely visible.
I knew this dust storm was just a front for something bigger...

Lol.....we dont have Godzilla in Australia....is probably more likely to be a "larger than life" Eddie McGuire" monster!!!!

Now that would be scary......we would all drown in cheese!

a week earlier we had strong Northerlies here in Vic. My camp at Lorne is protected from the Northerlies by a mountain range behind it. Sometimes on a hot night when I am there without 'she who must be obeyed', I sleep on a swag on the verandah. Imagine my delight when I awoke to this nuclear sunrise caused by dust particles
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5 hours later I was at Kerang (upstate Vic) making a court appearance and thinking about changing my aircleaner and oil when I got home.
Funny, the coppers always wonder why I park my fazer on the footpath outside court.
Easy, so blokes and babes going past can say, 'nice bike, yeah, very nice!!!'
beats parking next to cop vans out the back.
fork em I say, fork em.

5 hours later I was at Kerang (upstate Vic) making a court appearance and thinking about changing my aircleaner and oil when I got home.
Funny, the coppers always wonder why I park my fazer on the footpath outside court.
Easy, so blokes and babes going past can say, 'nice bike, yeah, very nice!!!'
beats parking next to cop vans out the back.
fork em I say, fork em.


A rebel with a law degree, that rides bikes.....Hmmm, very handy Mr Rumpole!

Might be over your way this weekend, if the weather gets it's poop together, i might just ride down your way for a Monday Blat through the GOR...

I have the sports/touring itch real bad right now!

Rebel with a Doctorate in Law, Mr Wolf.
Cost me another 5 years of my life and many nice days when I could have been riding!
Forget the GOR this weekend. Pouring with rain now and more predicted over the next weekend.
Thinking of starting my Fazer in the garage just to get the oil moving as it hasn't been used since last weekend.

Wet cold weather makes me nasty, and when I am nasty I feel like litigating someone. Especially when I can't go for a ride.
Rebel with a Doctorate in Law, Mr Wolf.
Cost me another 5 years of my life and many nice days when I could have been riding!
Forget the GOR this weekend. Pouring with rain now and more predicted over the next weekend.
Thinking of starting my Fazer in the garage just to get the oil moving as it hasn't been used since last weekend.

Wet cold weather makes me nasty, and when I am nasty I feel like litigating someone. Especially when I can't go for a ride.

Yes, was hoping the weather would magically improve by the end of the weekend!!! still hoping! Thanks for the tip though...just itching to get back down there...

Remind me never to get you pissed off when it's raining...:eek: