
^^ I hear you. I have a job. It pays quite well. But I'm stretched so thin it's ridiculous. It's difficult not to despair. But I keep keepin' on.

My question for the great and powerful board is this: what do you do on a local level? If the political system is so dumb, so numb to reality, how do you conceive of making a difference where you live -- and I don't just mean for you and yours -- for your community?

The reason I'd ask such a question is that "our" politicians seem to act in the best of interests of who knows what. They're not acting in my best interest. And I have no faith whatsoever in the notion that sending them my thoughts on any matter actually matters. Using the comment form on their web pages only results in receiving a spammy form letter saying how hard their job is and blah blah blah.

So, besides fomenting some kind of revolution, which would be really hard since they own the majority of the big guns, what do you do?

Ummm so revolution is just right out?
I vote, sometimes I protest. All feels kinda useless. Like teh time would have been better spent lubing my chain or something. Dont get me wrong, I live in Portland, Or. Otherwise known as little beirut :)

I have noticed that the extreme politics of the area are becoming watered down. Huge influxes of people from elsewhere have made us a group more amenable to being screwed by the guv. We will see if Obamaman really has the goods, or if the recession monster picks his teeth with broken femur bones.

WTH, they cant repo my bike if they cant find it. Look out Duke boys I'm coming to Hazzard county, YEEHAW!
Ix-nay he-tay alk-tay about the evolution-ray...

That would just be so messy. But I hear you loud and clear...
I may be misquoting but...

"Every civilization is just two hot meals from revolution."

and another on of my fave's

"Only when the last tree has died and
The last river has been poisoned and
The last fish has been caught,
Will we realise that
We cannot eat money"

Nope, cant chew that gristle. Hope you all have good updated zombie plans :eek:
This is how deal with whole thing. Everyone talked about change and America needs change. But the truth is America is afraid of change and does not deal with it very well. The one thing we have to make change no one uses. And that is voting. Everytime I go and vote I vote for the person running against the incumbant.(sp?) This is how truly change our current system and no matter what the president does will not help. All the power in America is in the house and senate. Until those that are currently in office get booted out things will remain the same. There should be no reason why Senators can vote for their own raises and get to stay in office for years and years. Three terms as a Senator should be all you get and then you leave. This way you truly have a fresh crop of people in their to get things done for the people that elected them. When was the last time you heard or saw from you senator in your town of city other than a few months before election time? So if they all term limits this country would be in far better shape then is currently is. Sorry for the rant but I hope you guys get the point.

Personally, I don't think just shuffling the deck faster is going to bring much improvement. If the election game remains the same, i.e. requires huge dollars, we're just going to get more of the same. There's no shortage of douchebag lawyers waiting in the wings, dreaming of the day they can start selling their ass in D.C.