Fairing main support

Front cowling main support..

So I was in a tumble awhile ago on my fz6 and I believe the front main support is bent just a tad bit, im ordering parts and was wondering if I should replace it (a good bit of change 140+) or try and give it a few wacks.....opinions please!

Re: Front cowling main support..

Im a fan of replacing with new, but to save a few bucks its worth a shot at trying to bend it back.
Its a PIA to try and straighten it out. Its shaped extremly odd and nearly impossible to get straight unless you have a premade jig.

If its off a half an inch, you'll see it and the plastic panels won't fit right...

The $140 is worth it.

BTW, check the black stubs that secure the headlight assembly to the support(accesable after you remove the black inner plastic around the gauges.. They are most likely broke too as crooked as your bike appears. My 07 wasn't nearly as bad and one nub was busted off...

Do it once and your done...
PM 'Sun Diego FZ6' he has one. I just did a naked conversion to his bike..