Female helmet-cam head-on collision. she's ok.


SuperFlanker Moderator
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Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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What in the $#@% was the guy in the car doing? did he use his parking brake in some effort to have fun? who knows. he wasnt going very fast either and maybe just panicked when the car in front of him was closer than he thought it would be when he looked up after dunking his donut in his coffee.
bloody lunatics.

good to see the girl is ok tho.


(P.S. nice cleavage shot in there as well :p )

LiveLeak.com - Motorcycle Accident.....Head On...
Looks like the car hit the brakes and turned at the same time. Total loss of traction, followed by a 180.

The girl rider tried to evade, but she was blocked by another car. What an unlucky crash. Totally the car-driver's fault.

I wonder if the video would be allowed in court?

Oh yes...now for my Power Ranger chant:

this is actually a pretty old video. but nonetheless she was on tv talking about it. she was actually a pretty hot asian chick.
Wow, she had very little option there based on the current position she was in. That's one of the thing I fear, a wreck right in front of me, with no escape route. Not sure if she was planning to exit the freeway, but personally, I try to avoid travelling in those center lanes for several reasons, one being what you just saw. On the freeways/motorway ways, I prefer the far left lane, the fast lane. Looks like the far lane was an HOV lane, which I'm pretty sure she was allowed to travel on. Here in Vegas, where the traffic is very heavy, all of our major surface street consist of 3 lanes or more of traffic going in the same direction, usually with the speed limit set at 45mph, which means traffic is often moving closer to 50mph. Something like that happens often on these surface street as well. Unfortunately I find myself in those center lanes as well, but always using the "SEE" riding technique. Search, Evaluate, and Execute. This video just showed you how important it is to choose the correct line and position so that you don't leave yourself vulnerable for those kind of situations. Glad to see she came out okay, that's a pretty damn good camera!
that video is definately old, and the woman did have to use it in court, the guy whose car spun around for no reason tried to say that it was the bikers fault. Jack-a$$... anyway great that she is ok and does anyone know if she is still riding, it would be a shame for one of the responsible riders to give it up because of a dumbass cager.
That was the rear brakes only locking. there is very few ways that can occur acidentally. What an idiot.....
That was the rear brakes only locking. there is very few ways that can occur acidentally. What an idiot.....

yeah, as in he accidentally pulled the e-brake all the way up.

You can hear him in the video... "I just swerved a little and she was right there"
Looks like the car hit the brakes and turned at the same time. Total loss of traction, followed by a 180.

The girl rider tried to evade, but she was blocked by another car. What an unlucky crash. Totally the car-driver's fault.

I wonder if the video would be allowed in court?

Oh yes...now for my Power Ranger chant:

When I looked into the site, the same video was shown stating a blown rear tyre caused the car to swerve? Who knows?
I am glad she is ok, it makes me feel sick just watching it.

i seriously hope i have my sidearm on me if i am ever in that position...old video or not...dude need to be forced to experience that same thing the cycle rider went through. people who are so reckless other peoples lives may as well open fire into a crowd of people with an assault rifle. what a d!ck.
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i seriously hope i have my sidearm on me if i am ever in that position...old video or not...dude need to be forced to experience that same thing the cycle rider went through. people who are so reckless other peoples lives may as well open fire into a crowd of people with an assault rifle. what a d!ck.

WTF!? What's wrong with you?? You hope you'll have a gun on you if something like this happens to you?
You see, this is exactly what's wrong with you Americans! This is why you have so many deaths caused by guns each year! Because people like this guy (yes you) are allowed to carry a weapon! What's up? Not man enough to take that peace of sh!t on? So you'd need a gun to scare him? Or to even shoot him if he stands up to you?
Seriously, just give me one good reason to have a gun in that situation.
GUNS DON'T SOLVE PROBLEMS. No one should be allowed to carry a gun.
I know myself, and I think that it's much better for me NOT to have a gun.
I'd get in sooo much trouble...

Sorry about this rant, I just couldn't help it. No offence intended, this is just what really gets me. All these killings and deaths all the time all around the world. We've gone mad.
WTF!? What's wrong with you?? You hope you'll have a gun on you if something like this happens to you?
You see, this is exactly what's wrong with you Americans! This is why you have so many deaths caused by guns each year! Because people like this guy (yes you) are allowed to carry a weapon! What's up? Not man enough to take that peace of sh!t on? So you'd need a gun to scare him? Or to even shoot him if he stands up to you?
Seriously, just give me one good reason to have a gun in that situation.
GUNS DON'T SOLVE PROBLEMS. No one should be allowed to carry a gun.
I know myself, and I think that it's much better for me NOT to have a gun.
I'd get in sooo much trouble...

Sorry about this rant, I just couldn't help it. No offence intended, this is just what really gets me. All these killings and deaths all the time all around the world. We've gone mad.

i would probably have the same views if i had never experienced a situation where i needed my handgun. ive had to draw my weapon on two seperate occasions, both in traffic, windows down, at a stoplight when people have entered my car through both driver and passenger windows. had i not been carrying my pistol i would have been car jacked twice. what will i do if i am on my bike? so keep your "opinions" about "thats whats wrong with all you americans" to your self until you have walked a mile in my shoes. making such outlandish statements about an entire country of people is just dumb, and that my friend is "whats wrong with all you (insert group here)" lol.

glad to hear that you live in such a nice country where this isnt an issue!
I know what I'm talking about.
Over here we use cell phones. BTW, don't forget an extra box of hollowpoints! There might be a few big ones out there... ha, ha, ha!
Honestly now, you can't be serious about wanting a gun in this situation?! What would you've done with a gun here?!
Aren't you just a bit worried you might need some psychological help? I know you mean well, and I know you wouldn't hurt anyone without a reason. And we both feel the same about this jerk that spun his car, but that's just the reason why I or you shouldn't have a gun in that situation. I don't know what I would have done to him if my girlfriend was on that bike with me and got hurt.
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