First Annual FZ6RC The Ridge @ Deals Gap



We are confirmed, paid, and reserved at the Ridge Treetops and The Ridge Vacation Rental, Graham County NC 828-479-8400

From Thursday May 29th 4pm eastern time thru Monday June 2cnd 10am eastern time.

Linking the other thread to this one.

We have recieved payment from
Wrightme43 has a bed
AntMB has a bed
Mikenbern has a bed
Dark_Isz has a bed
Gosling1 has a bed
DefyInertia has a bed
Angela has a bed Defy and Angela get a room to themselves.

Commit to being there and paying there.
thatguyx Cot/ Recliner/ couch as is his choice.

That leaves cots and recliners.
We are all assured a nice comfy bed to sleep in. LOL 7 twin beds in three bedrooms.
There are also 4-5 recliners in the huge garage to sleep in as well.

I talked to Ron and Nancy today, they also put us down on the list that if the people that have the Treetops reserved backout we are first inline to rent it that weekend. The odds are very slim but it could happen.

Anyway, its a done deal, if you need to put in for vacation now is the time.



OK as it stands now.
675$ in the rental that is paid, taxes and all.
We will need approx 125-150 food.
That puts total at $825
Divided by the seven of us that will put it at 118 each.
8 people one sleeping on the couch would be 104 each
I expect 10 to 12 to show up so it will probley not cost any more than we have all paid already.
After paypal got thier fees everybody that is paid is around 96-97$ to the good depending if it was debit, credit, or paypal balance transfer. The fees are different.

Any questions feel free.
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I was hoping you would go Nate. That would be cool, if you could make it.
Man I love the Miata. Zoom Zoom.
I am also a insanely huge fan of the RX-7 and RX-8
Please that would be great. It will be very cool to meet everybody. I am looking forward to it already.
Ok with Opds9091 paid up that leaves us with one bed left, one couch left, and three or four recliners and a pool table. Obviously the next person to pay early gets the last bed. After that your choice of couch or recliner.
Here is Nate riding the Cherohala skyway on his FZ6. It is such a awesome road. I actually like it better than the dragon, and where we will be staying is about 3 or 4 miles from where it starts.

Its a road to love.

Wow, that looked great, as the video was going, somewhere along a staight away i thought i was going to see 100mph, so ,so close a crazy 98mph. When we go i will have to follow someone who knows there way around. It seems to be that 55-60 is an average speed, of coures weather permitting. I can't wait.
Its a simple thing.
We will just set out together, and when ever there is a turn off stop and wait for everyone to catch back up. Last place rider will be the most or second most expereniced with first aid training. Leader will know the route as well. We can split up if people want to too. I will print tankbag maps with regrouping points, stops, and turns.

I dont like to ride all on top of each other. I would rather space out and ride my own ride. Thats me though.

This guy is a super skilled rider, here is his take on group riding. I try to emulate people I look up to, and learn to do what they do.

The Pace by Nick Ienatsch - Pashnit Motorcycle Tours in California, guided

Its called The Pace and it makes alot of sense. Fast is one thing, racing on the street is another. EGO will get me killed, and you too. We are going to have alot of fun, and do it wisely.
i agree, we are looking for good times and laughs and yes safety is the most important. As far as a medic, that would be me. I am a feild medic (in the ARMY) and a med student doing my externship now. To be honest, i want to ride it a couple times with you if you dont mind, you and i have the same outlook, and after the ride i will cover the rear and i will have my camera on the bike with me. You would know better, i feel that we should ride in sets of 4 no more then 5. Like you said the person in the front will set the pace while the others will follow, and the rear person will slow the pace of traffic and be the medic assistant. Steve "I CANT WAIT".
Well cool man it will be fun. I promise the pace wont be so fast that you will need to know the road, its just a road.
I know I have a bad habit of making these huge problems in my mind, and then when comes time to do things, its just like what the hell was I so worried about.
Hey all and to whoever is new, this is for the new guys and whoever wants to go. The end on MAY-JUNE 1st in 2008, a bunch of us aare getting together in NC at DEALS GAP/DRAGON TAIL for a weekend starts on a friday and ends on the Monday. We have a $$$ plan. So if you are interested, just ask and make apayment to PAYPAL Wrightme has the info for sending the funds. WE have people going from all the states. The price includes food place to stay, and a garage for the bikes. If you are interested, ask and send the monday and we will have a ball
I can't stay with ya'll but I'm going to try and arrange a trip to Townsend with my wife for the same dates. I think I should be able slip away and ride with the group for an afternoon or two.
AJ.... mapquest puts you at 60 miles away in Townsend....the good thing is to get to us you have to ride the Foothills Parkway and the Dragon hence the 1.5 hour est drive time.

By the way ... I love townsend.... I have camped there many times

hope to get to meet you...

Wow, I guess time (and mileage) flies when you're having fun. I've ridden from Townsend to Robbinsville at least 8 times and I never knew it was that far. Oh well, guess I'll just have to suck it up and do it again! Sure hate it :):):)