First FZ-6 gripe - clunky gearbox

Re: the FZ6 gearbox

If the short friction zone bothers you, a member here, killernoodle, makes clutch levers that widens the friction zone and makes the lever easier to pull. I'm looking forward to getting mine in the next couple weeks.
I find it easiest to always accelerate before shifting up - if I'm cruising in 4th and want to go to 5th, I have to give it a bit - I find, for me, this makes the shift a little more positive.

Your experiences may vary, but just try giving it a bit, throttle off and pull the clutch, change up and see.

It works for me, anyway.

Cool. My Suzuki GS, which i still have, makes the same clunk from nuetral to first, but it is nowehere has violent as the FZ. Plus, the gearbox in the GS changes way smoother than the FZ, so far.

I know i need to work on my clutch action. When i get a better hande on the clutch action of the FZ, maybe my gear changes might get smoother.

Just wanted to make sure, it wasn't symptomatic of deeper issues. Thanks for the help.


If you hold in the clutch lever for 5-10 seconds (when in neutral) before shifting to first, the transmission stops spinning and it won't clunk as much.

+1 on the short clutch engagement zone. As noted above, you'll get used to it and it does allow for faster shifting. I've never stalled it but it is shorter than most bikes.. Make sure your clutch cable is well lubed, it DOES make a difference..

BTW, once past second or third gear, you can up-shift without the clutch by backing off the throttle slightly and shifting up. With practice, mine sounds like an automatic with NO hesitation inbetween. Super smooth... I don't shift clutchless above say roughly 6K RPM's...
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yeah i do that.its as if the gear gets settle in to its favorite chair and doesnt want to move,giving it nudge with the throttle wakes it up ready for some action,
Mine was super clunky the whole time i rode it UNTIL motogiro checked out my bike and noticed the chain was way too tight. After it was adjusted properly the clunk almost went away :)