Fix for reckless drivers?


Curve Hound
Aug 8, 2007
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Madera, CA
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(By Larry Supina, Amarillo, TX)

An apology is in order, so, please, forgive me. It was not until this morning on my ride to work that I fully understood I was in error.

Yes, I've noticed that there are many very busy and important people on the roads. You all are hard to miss with the cell phones, laptops, breakfast bars, coffee, cigarettes and all, but until now, I didn't realize I was causing so much trouble for you busy, multitasking drivers.

I figured it out this morning, thanks to the nice lady working on the laptop who needed the lane I was in.

First, ma'am, let me say that when I honked at you from the shoulder, I didn't mean to startle you. My intent was just to give you a little beep to let you know the lane was all yours. But I was braking so hard, I couldn't lift my thumb off the horn button. My bad.

I surely didn't mean to cause you to nearly hit the guy talking on the cell phone. You know, he was smoking and talking as he moved his SUV right into the space you had just left.

Anyway, the good news is, that's when I realized all of you multitasking drivers must be texting each other about intended lane changes and running traffic lights and stop signs and such. I'm sorry - I'm still using old-fashioned blinkers. I didn't realize you needed some time to e-notify that guy that you needed the lane back. I really messed it up for both of you!

I can only say that the guard rail was a little distracting, and I was only thinking about myself. I'll try harder next time.

Like I said, I didn't know that was how you multitasking drivers were communicating. It must have been in an e-mail, but my laptop fell off my tank and I haven't replaced it.

However, I have a solution.

I know many of you are so busy and important that you have no choice - you have to eat, work, talk, read and do lots of other really important things as you drive. Those of us who use the road only for traveling would be happy to stay out of your way; we just need to know you're coming.

A little visual clue would help - I was thinking of a bumper sticker. That way, everyone could identify you as Drivers Utilizing Multiple Behaviors.

Of course, that's a little long, so we'd cut it down to an acronym - DUMB. If you'd place stickers on the front, back and maybe the sides of your car, the rest of us would know not to interfere with you on the road.

I think it's such a good idea, I'll pay for the bumper stickers and even put them on for you. Deal? Again, I'm sorry I got in your way. I'll try harder to see you coming from now on.

I promise!
(By Larry Supina, Amarillo, TX)

An apology is in order, so, please, forgive me. It was not until this morning on my ride to work that I fully understood I was in error.

Yes, I've noticed that there are many very busy and important people on the roads. You all are hard to miss with the cell phones, laptops, breakfast bars, coffee, cigarettes and all, but until now, I didn't realize I was causing so much trouble for you busy, multitasking drivers.

I figured it out this morning, thanks to the nice lady working on the laptop who needed the lane I was in.

First, ma'am, let me say that when I honked at you from the shoulder, I didn't mean to startle you. My intent was just to give you a little beep to let you know the lane was all yours. But I was braking so hard, I couldn't lift my thumb off the horn button. My bad.

I surely didn't mean to cause you to nearly hit the guy talking on the cell phone. You know, he was smoking and talking as he moved his SUV right into the space you had just left.

Anyway, the good news is, that's when I realized all of you multitasking drivers must be texting each other about intended lane changes and running traffic lights and stop signs and such. I'm sorry - I'm still using old-fashioned blinkers. I didn't realize you needed some time to e-notify that guy that you needed the lane back. I really messed it up for both of you!

I can only say that the guard rail was a little distracting, and I was only thinking about myself. I'll try harder next time.

Like I said, I didn't know that was how you multitasking drivers were communicating. It must have been in an e-mail, but my laptop fell off my tank and I haven't replaced it.

However, I have a solution.

I know many of you are so busy and important that you have no choice - you have to eat, work, talk, read and do lots of other really important things as you drive. Those of us who use the road only for traveling would be happy to stay out of your way; we just need to know you're coming.

A little visual clue would help - I was thinking of a bumper sticker. That way, everyone could identify you as Drivers Utilizing Multiple Behaviors.

Of course, that's a little long, so we'd cut it down to an acronym - DUMB. If you'd place stickers on the front, back and maybe the sides of your car, the rest of us would know not to interfere with you on the road.

I think it's such a good idea, I'll pay for the bumper stickers and even put them on for you. Deal? Again, I'm sorry I got in your way. I'll try harder to see you coming from now on.

I promise!
What a great idea,
can you send me one to give to the lady who nearly hit me when I accidently interupted her cross word puzzle last week.
Glad you are ok, unless of course you post this from your ITU bed?

A great post. Sadly all too accurate.

I would however settle for a law that allows me to lob old spark plugs through their windshields with tax credits for accuracy.
Fantastic post!! and very well written. My post simmilar to this usually end up "you stupid mother f*&^ers, eat #!@$$ you &$@holes...."

Well done. A sticker would be nice. We should get some mini bumper stickers made up, then always carry a few with you in your jacket or tank bag. Then when you pull up next to these multitaskers at the stop light to have a little 'chat' with them, you can slap one of these on their door!!

The thing that absolutly boggles my mind is that after damn near killing me beacuse THEY didn't shoulder check, THEY didn't look, THEY didn't pay attention, THEY almost killed me....yet...get this....I'M THE BAD GUY and I get the finger!!?!?!?! Like WTF is that about?!?!

It scares me because that; not the actual act of driving me off the road, seriously makes me see instant red and my rage level explodes off the charts which may lead to me doing something stupid.
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That made me laugh, but then I wanted to cry because it is so true now a days. It's actually pretty scary. I know I am pretty cautious and curtious to other drivers and motorcyclists when I am in my cage. But then there's that thing again that I ride a motorcycle too, so I actually make an effort. Ignorant people:Flip: should get a Stebel Natulas 140db air horn on your bike!! Trust me, it helps in those situations...they think they are cutting goff a frieght train!