Funeral Home Embalms Murdered Rider on top of a Motorcycle – Yes You Just Read That

I have nothing more to add to this,so I might as well tell a joke.

There were two guys riding motorcycles on a windy afternoon. One of the guys was complaining because the cold air was blowing into his shirt. His buddy told him to turn his jacket around, so that the collar of the jacket would be at his neck. That way no air could get into his shirt. So that is what he did.

After riding for a while the two men came up on a curve. They were going too fast and they crashed. Witnesses called 911 and rushed to the motorcyclists aid.

When the police arrived, they were doing a report. The police asked a witness if both of the men were deceased when they got to the scene.

"No" the man replied, "The one man was still alive, but by the time we got his head turned around to where it was supposed to be, he was dead!
Just get out, get out now! But, I think that everybody should have a chance to hop on behind him....just for ol times sake. Maybe fire it up to, let it idle.