FZ6 Assault! (Well, sort of,)


Junior Member
Jun 5, 2008
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Lawrenceville, GA
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I got home from school this evening and after checking e-mails and eating some sushi, I really felt like riding! All work and no play, you know...

I gave Ajeets a call, since he is a member here and has an '08 FZ6 and also a buddy of mine from paramedic class who also rides to see if they wanted to go burn some fuel.

Well, both were available and ready to rip it up.

It was my first time meeting Ajeets in person, and I have to say, not only is he a nice guy, but his FZ is sweet!
It's the darker blue color, and it looks sharp -and NEW!
Mine is an '07 that I've had since the end f May '08, I got it new and it's the electric blue color.

We all met at a Kroger nearby, and my friend from school was having trouble getting his plate light to work.
He has a Suzuki Boulevard 600, it's a funny little bike that looks like what the Fonz used to ride, only he has dropped it a couple times and has decided to remove the stock seat, lower the rear down with steel bars instead of those pesky springs, and a few other little extras including the plate mount/light that wasn't working and a hard cheap little seat that is loose. LOL he did complain about the seat later, but he wants to bob the rear fender and sort of chop it some. $2.00 says he puts the springs back in the next couple days!!!

We all went up to my house and after blowing two fuses, I was able to get his light to work.
Off we went, out on Rt. 316 and down Rt. 81, except Laurentius lost a piece of his bike on the road. We stopped at a gas station and found a cover missing, so he and Ajeets went back to see if they could find it. They tried but couldn't, so we paused for a break, and then continued down 81 and took Rt. 20 back west and north again.

It was a great night for a ride, and we all had fun. The irony here is that even though me and Ajeets had the most awesome pair of bikes you could hope to see in one place, some dude at the gas station asked what Laurentius was riding and even seemed impressed!
Sheesh, some dummy picked out the bike that had been dropped too many times and was losing pieces as it went down the road!!!

Ah well, no accounting for taste in RedneckLand.

It was fun to give her a twist every now and then and watch that single cylinder chuffer disappear each time, but as the navigator, I stayed my throttle hand and let Laurentus keep up. Ajeets made a great tailgunner and we all got back in one piece, except for the Suzuki that was dropped on it's head as a child...

Good Times!
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What possesed him to remove the springs in the rear? LOL I would figure having the rear tire on the ground most of the time would be a good idea. LOL

Glad you all had fun.