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FZ6 at KSU!!!


Professional test dummy
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
kennesaw, Ga
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So as I was walking into the East parking deck I saw a beautiful red FZ6.....
looked to be 2007?
anyways if you know them hmu :thumbup:
there is a blue 05 FZ6 sitting in the basement of the West deck.
sik dude!!!
lol I was walkin into the deck and you parked right inside the deck in front of the bridge and it caught my eye, :thumbup:
its sooo much cleaner then mine, im jealous :D
haha appreciate it, but in reality its not. some guy backed into me right before i turned onto chastain from frey, so im trying to get that situated so i can order some new fairings and a front tire plastic. what year is your bike?
I only live about 15min from ksu we ought to all go over to Los Reyes one night, y'all down?
That's fine I don't drink anyways if I'm on the bike and I'm always on the bike so....I don't think I have anything going on for a while in the evenings so when ever y'all are free or what not
Zac: its an 2005
and just avoid frey forever lol its hella scary around here with soo many ppl not paying attention. I didnt see anything scrapped or anything, but i didnt exactly go up an creep on your bike, lol just saw the left side from a distance.

chevy: we need to go sometime!! maybe we can both come up with a way to fix his bike without paying for fairings, lol he should go naked :D
I lost some bottom end on mine but the top end is explosive now, you can see a build thread of mine by searching machinegun exhaust, and there's a link on there to another thread of videos of it
heres the link to the thread http://www.600riders.com/forum/fz6-mods/40828-machine-gun-exhaust.html

but honestly it is VERY LOUD but not in a annoying way, well to me at least lol. im sure anyone in a 10 mile radius thinks its annoying, but i love it and get asked all the time if its a 1200 or bigger. As far as performance goes, like i said i lost some bottem end, because the lack of back pressure, as in it doesnt have as much power it use to from idle to about 7k but once it hits 8k it is gone like a raped ape. once i actually get it dyno tuned im sure ill get some of that back. i think as of right now i have about $150 in it, but everything i did is in that thread, i know its long but its all there. the only thing different is since then ive made some db killers for it to get rid of the high pitch "tinny" sound, that was my only complaint but now im in love with it more then ever!
im gonna have to pass sadly :( didnt remember that i live in an apartment. only work id be able to do would be when i went home every once in a while. guess im just gonna have to wait till someone wants to sell their exhaust or just stay stock :( :(
yes its loud as hell,i usually ride with earplugs, and yea the bottom end is kinda sucky (especially with the 17t front sprocket) but I can still get the front end HIGH if I twist it at 6k...of course it helps being 120lbs (yeah im a tiny guy :D )

but I built mine out of scraps and some tips i got from autozone....ill post a pic tomorrow-ish if you want. but if you had to buy all of it,,, maybe a little cheaper then chevy's only because I have way less creativity then him :thumbup:
the only thing that i would highly recommend doing after an exhaust is to do the co mod.....it helps richen up the engine with the loss of the backpressure
So you did the straight pipe special! I was gonna go that route at first and add the shrouds around it for looks but, since I do ride everyday I kinda wanted a little back pressure, because it is a good thing.
I'm 200lb and I don't miss it a bit, but it really all just depends on your riding style. If you just like to cruise and take it easy then you will probably miss the extra tq but, even though that's how I ride 80% of the time the other 20% of goin balls out it sure does feel nice lol