Gilles Tooling rearsets installed


Junior Member
Apr 23, 2008
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...well the job is only 50% complete.

I started with the brake side but I just kept staring at the assembly figuring out a way to remove it from the foot pegs. The manual that came with the rearsets is absolutely horrible for help regarding this. I was kinda worried about unhooking one of the brake hoses by mistake and thus increasing my work ten fold. After a while, I gave up on it and switched to the other side.

The gear lever is pretty easy to remove, and the Gilles assembly was pretty easy to mount as well. But the customizations that you can do with those! Holy crap! I spent a good 1 hour trying to get it just right, so that the lever wouldn't hit the side stand and continue to shift gears as well. Well, got that tuned finally, although I think once I get a test ride I will want to tweak it just a bit. Oh well.

The worst part is I can work only when there is no rain outside since I don't have a garage. Which in turn means, when it is sunny outside my bike still remains grounded :( I was just talking to a colleague about the weather in Buffalo the other day when I mentioned that we apparently got a new season. Winter, Construction and new to the list...Monsoon!

That is all.
Will do. I wrapped up the day when I saw clouds overhead. Maybe we'll have a bit of sunshine tomorrow and I can get pics after I am done with the install.
Do you not have a garage to work in at all? That sucks if so!

If however, you do have a garage and just can't work in it because it's too dark in there, you can just buy one of these . I have one with about 20 LEDs and it's brilliant for working on the bike when there's not enough light outside to light up inside the garage.
Do you not have a garage to work in at all? That sucks if so!

If however, you do have a garage and just can't work in it because it's too dark in there, you can just buy one of these . I have one with about 20 LEDs and it's brilliant for working on the bike when there's not enough light outside to light up inside the garage.

Nope, I don't have a garage. I work on the bike in the parking lot of my apartment complex. I know, it sucks.