Guess where this Goes!!!

Yeah, I'm not having the time to come up with something so I'll pass it along to someone else...:)

Wait.........This shouldn't be hard. :)
Lol. Yeah everything you carry should serve double duty. :p

How about this one? What is it and where does it go?


Another angle...had to edit because tapatalk seems to put a mark on hosted images now

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Lol. Yeah everything you carry should serve double duty. :p

How about this one? What is it and where does it go?


Another angle...had to edit because tapatalk seems to put a mark on hosted images now

Its a 14G catheter? Used if your unlucky enough to require raplid fluid transfusion after a really big "Oops" moment off the bike.
If that is the true length it could also be a central access catheter?

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That long of a catheter would be used for something like an invasive central line such as a subclavian IV, or used for emergency needle thoracentesis or maybe a needle chrichothyrotomy in a pinch, although there are better solutions out there for a needle cric. So since you said no for IV then it is most likely for a needle thoracentesis. So it would go on a persons chest with a tension pneumothorax, local protocols to me say 2nd intercostal space and mid-clavicular line or 5th intercostal space and mid-axillary line.
So it would go on a persons chest with a tension pneumothorax, local protocols to me say 2nd intercostal space and mid-clavicular line or 5th intercostal space and mid-axillary line.

Yep!! Good job. 3.5 inch 14ga needle for chest decompression. Used to relieve tension pneumothorax usually due to a hole in your lung!
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But it is a14G cannula right?

If it uses the generally accepted color coding system it is.

It seems you got the device right first, then I got the use right second. I won't have anything until tomorrow afternoon so if you've got something in mind to post up before then by all means post it up! Keep the ball rolling.
^^ Did a little utube on tension pneumothorax and it gets a tad graphic, hence the need for giant needle.

Good one!!!
I give the win to famous, due to the usage of the item. Good follow-up info too

Edit, looks like whoever wants to go is welcome to!
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^^ Did a little utube on tension pneumothorax and it gets a tad graphic, hence the need for giant needle.

Good one!!!

The scene from the movie Three Kings where they needle Marky Mark Wahlberg does a decent job of showing the concept, although in typical unrealistically cheesy Hollywood fashion...
The somewhat callous army medic teaching our class on combat life saver affectionately called it Darting the chest. Apparently if your lung/s is collapsing and you can't breathe, it it's the best feeling in the world to get a 2mm thick/3.5jn needle stuck through your upper chest to relieve the pressure
I won't have anything till tomorrow either so who ever gets there first can post up. Additional info for those who may be interested
in the emergent situation you can use a 14G - 20G to achieve a decent decompression of a pneumothorax. It is only a temporary solution and creates a window of opportunity to safely insert a chest drain.
The Pericardiocentesis needle is much longer about 15cm -18cm.
I have only ever seen Pericardiocentesis twice in a real life situation one with a positive outcome the other not so.
