Guys...It can happen to anybody

Terrible. My first instinct is to get really mad at the guy who crossed the centerline. Then I remember that if he's at all human, it'll be weighing on him for the rest of his life. Hopefully he can go on to teach others to pay attention driving.

I wish people would remember driving requires your FULL attention. It is not a time to study, a time to BS with friends, a time to relax, or just necessary wasted time between destinations. It's an act that requires concentration and yes, skill. If you don't have it, you shouldn't be driving.
Travis man, I'm really sorry to hear about your friend. I haven't heard anything about this until just now. If you need anything, just let me know. Our prayers go out to his family and his friends.

Be careful guys.
I'm sorry for your loss Mate.

Another life cut off in the prime due to inattentiveness.

Whether that be inattentiveness during driving, or inattentiveness to the warning signs of fatigue.

Hopefully this serves as a lesson to all that fatigue is as dangerous as intoxication when driving.

But, they can't legislate against driving tired...

Remember people, take a break when driving long distance, and be aware of the signs of fatigue. (one of the first signs is inability to maintain speed and/or road position.)

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So I just found out that it was a illegal immigrant who killed him, basically someone who wasn't even supposed to be on the road much less the country...
So I just found out that it was a illegal immigrant who killed him, basically someone who wasn't even supposed to be on the road much less the country...

Sorry to hear of his unnecessary death. It's frustrating to hear about he driver's legal status (none). I went to a funeral last year for a Houston PD officer that was killed, run over, by an intoxicated illegal alien on the highway. He pushed the person he was talking to as he saw the car careening at them and gave up his own life to save the other.

I'll reserve my thoughts on this driver. You can't believe how many illegals there are driving around without a license or insurance.
I am so sorry for your loss. I hope they nail the driver for falling asleep at the wheel. His driving an unnecessarily huge vehicle just made things worse.
I'm so sorry for your loss Chevy and that of your friends family. Life is so unpredictable...

Almost the same thing happened to me in 1976 but the paramedics were able to bring me back from the other side. To this day whenever I swing a leg over my bike I think that this could be "the day".
Chevy, such sad news, I'm really sorry for you and his friends and his family
I'm so sorry for your loss and for your friend's family.
Indeed the only thing certain after we come to this world is that at one point we will die. But avoidable things like this are so disturbing!!!!!

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It's amazing how words can get twisted...

I was misinformed, the driver was not a illegal immigrant but was driving illegally. He was driving his mothers car that she lent him on a learners permit. But both have been charged and locked up! The driver has been charged with vehicular homicide and numerous driving violations and the mother was locked up for letting her son drive her car knowing that he did not have a license.