Half Winterization?

Nov 9, 2010
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Haven't really posted much here, as searching has usually covered all my questions, but I need some advice.

Bike is new, 600 miles, stock oil (I know, I know...). So I took care of putting stabilizer in the tank, covering the exaust, battery on a tender, centerstanded with the front wheel off the cold cruel concrete, covered, in my unheated garage. But that's it. Did this in early Dec, probably start riding again in late Feb into Mar.

The questions are pretty much should I do this, or don't worry about it:

-The tank is probably 4/5 full, as I was too temped to ride before putting it to bed for the winter... (should I add more fuel/stabilizer to prevent rusting?)
-Didn't "fog" the cylinders
-Has the stock oil in it, will change in the spring. Change now?
-Didn't take out spark plugs

So from the guys/gals with past experience winterizing bikes, am I good, or what should I take care of with my timeline considered?

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HI! Gothenburg
Your going to get more help
but at least change your oil
when a bike is new small meta:eek:l filing will be in the oil and if not changed
they will sink to the bottom of the motor to come back and cause you trouble later
Haven't really posted much here, as searching has usually covered all my questions, but I need some advice.

Bike is new, 600 miles, stock oil (I know, I know...). So I took care of putting stabilizer in the tank, covering the exaust, battery on a tender, centerstanded with the front wheel off the cold cruel concrete, covered, in my unheated garage. But that's it. Did this in early Dec, probably start riding again in late Feb into Mar.

The questions are pretty much should I do this, or don't worry about it:

-The tank is probably 4/5 full, as I was too temped to ride before putting it to bed for the winter... (should I add more fuel/stabilizer to prevent rusting?)
-Didn't "fog" the cylinders
-Has the stock oil in it, will change in the spring. Change now?
-Didn't take out spark plugs

So from the guys/gals with past experience winterizing bikes, am I good, or what should I take care of with my timeline considered?


My opinion is that you should change the oil before you ride again, but otherwise you are good to go. As far as rust because your tank is not full, I stored a bike once for 15 years (not on purpose, it just worked out that way) with a mostly empty tank, and there was no rust. I would not recommend that, but I think 3 or 4 months with a mostly full tank will be fine. Heck, if you get lucky you will likely get a few chances to ride before then.
Thanks SirIsaac, that's the info I'm after. If 15 yrs and no rust, I think I'll be fine. Hope to ride soon, but icy rain and snow right now...

So the fogging and spark plugs out isn't that big of a deal then? Is is it just a compulsive thing that some people recommend it?
Hope to ride soon, but icy rain and snow right now...

Sure, there is ice and snow right now, but it is bound to hit 45 to 50 on a day here and there in February and March in St. Louis, right? I say get out and ride when that happens.

So the fogging and spark plugs out isn't that big of a deal then? Is is it just a compulsive thing that some people recommend it?

The owner's manual does have a rather involved procedure to follow "before storing your motorcycle for several months" which includes removing the plugs and putting oil in the cylinders. In my own humble, non-scientific, non-mechanic opinion, that is overkill for two to three months of storage. But don't let me be the one to dissuade you if it will make you feel better to do it. :)