Happy Australia Day!

Well, no lamb on the barbie.

But we did have a couple of rib eye, snags & bacon. None of that gay salad **** to be seen :thumbup:

Topped off with a few of Tasmania's finest, Boags Premiums :rockon:

Now I dont feel like going to work tomorrow. All I wanna do is find a little bit of forest & take the Ten offroading right now :eek:
Can still do the usual shack thing at Edithburgh:thumbup:.

Take the spearfishing gear along, and head out onto the flats for Blue swimmers,

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and Flathead.

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Push out the punt for some gar

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and tommies.

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Then take the scuba gear along to the jetty for some scollops

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and some squidlies:thumbup:

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So that takes care of brekkie:eek:....now for lunch....mmmmm...whiting sounds good...lol.:BLAA:

Haven't been over since I slpit with the ex....Might have to start doing it again:rockon:.
Happy Australia day all!
Had a busy day myself with family, so its been a good one!
Kinda glad I didn't work now, despite losing out on double time.

No lamb here either :p
Post Australia day hangover is intense!!! I did my bit for the economy last night, and this morning...

Gotta love BBQ lamb chops on Australia Day :thumbup:

Not only is it a day of National celebration my, wife is lucky enough to be guaranteed at public holiday for her birthday every year :D

We headed down for our morning swim at 9am & couldn't see the water through the sea mist. It was 30 degrees at 9 in the morning :eek: Ive seen a sea mist before but this was madness.


Gotta love BBQ lamb chops on Australia Day :thumbup:

Not only is it a day of National celebration my, wife is lucky enough to be guaranteed at public holiday for her birthday every year :D

We headed down for our morning swim at 9am & couldn't see the water through the sea mist. It was 30 degrees at 9 in the morning :eek: Ive seen a sea mist before but this was madness.



That's pretty freaky! How does that work....Humidity???

Never seen anything like that in these parts before!

You got it mate , humid air mixes with the cool moist air at sea level & thats what you get :thumbup: Just another type of fog really

Bugger that! You guys can have your humidity, i will take the "Convection oven on high" weather any day, over that!