Hate lowballers. This felt great.

$3,000 is a pretty standard offer for an SV650 in a lot of places. Did you stop to think that maybe the guy isn't from Edmonton, familiar with standard going rates of bikes in the area or any other number of variables?
You couldn't just not respond or go with "I'm selling this bike for a friend, and he is firm on the price"? You didn't direct your long-winded, pointless email at someone who was actually arguing with you about the value of the bike?
You wrote a condescending email and seem to think you taught this guy a lesson. I guarantee you didn't.

E: And yes, I've sold bikes online before and dealt with scammers/low ballers.
The new owner, is VERY HAPPY with the deal and did much shopping about looking at FJR's 5-6 years newer than mine in not half the shape. I too was pretty set on my price and would keep it before I "gave it away"..

You get what you pay for...

Having kept an eye on the FJR's around town for a couple years now I know how tough it is to find one with low km's. Find a good motorcycle, pay somewhere in the ballpark of something reasonable. You get a machine that tickles your fancy and gives you the piece of mind of owning something in great condition. Seller gets reasonable return. Everybody is happy. (Well not me, I still don't have an FJR :()


$3,000 is a pretty standard offer for an SV650 in a lot of places. Did you stop to think that maybe the guy isn't from Edmonton, familiar with standard going rates of bikes in the area or any other number of variables?
You couldn't just not respond or go with "I'm selling this bike for a friend, and he is firm on the price"? You didn't direct your long-winded, pointless email at someone who was actually arguing with you about the value of the bike?
You wrote a condescending email and seem to think you taught this guy a lesson. I guarantee you didn't.

E: And yes, I've sold bikes online before and dealt with scammers/low ballers.

Yeah......a lot of places......just not here.

Edmonton Area sv650 classifieds, find sv650 in Edmonton Area - Kijiji Edmonton Area Free Classifieds

And this is with the off-season drawing near and the market drying up a little bit. There are NO SV's priced at $3,000. The one I have up is pretty much in showroom condition and is an '07 with lower km than any of the others listed there.

I don't care if I taught him a lesson. If he wanted to take anything away from the email I made sure it wasn't ALL negative. But a lowball offer without having seen the bike made with spelling and grammar errors and then not having any idea who I was when I first replied to him......yeah. It was certainly a "serious inquiry".

And I don't care if he isn't from Edmonton and not familiar with the local market. If he is shopping for an SV he would have seen what a typical value was for this machine. It comes with the full fairings and very low km. There are older machines with half fairing selling for just as much (or at the very least WELL above the $3,000 mark).

Why are you people arguing with me? I am clearly right.


Edit: nm I found one for under $3000. Sorry. My bad. Maybe you guys are onto something....I may have overpriced the one I'm selling....



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You'd be suprised at the deals you can find when you low-ball, I've gotten stuff that I didn't really even want until my low-ball offers were accepted. Sometimes sellers are desperate/moving/tired of having stuff in the garage. It never hurts to offer what you'd like to pay for an item. In fact, that's how lots of things are sold on ebay. As a seller, I understand this and thats why I don't have a problem telling bidders to pound sand when they low-ball me. At least he told you what he'd offer BEFORE coming out and wasting your time kicking the tires and pointing out every little scratch!- now that sucks. I'll probably get flagged now for not agreeing with the OP
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You'd be suprised at the deals you can find when you low-ball, I've gotten stuff that I didn't really even want until my low-ball offers were accepted. Sometimes sellers are desperate/moving/tired of having stuff in the garage. It never hurts to offer what you'd like to pay for an item. In fact, that's how lots of things are sold on ebay. As a seller, I understand this and thats why I don't have a problem telling bidders to pound sand when they low-ball me. At least he told you what he'd offer BEFORE coming out and wasting your time kicking the tires and pointing out every little scratch!- now that sucks. I'll probably get flagged now for not agreeing with the OP

Lol nope. You have some valid points. The others before you didn't.

Have some cookies!

grow up and stop wasting other people times, especially mine reading this silly teenage-like post. one more time, please grow up.
grow up and stop wasting other people times, especially mine reading this silly teenage-like post. one more time, please grow up.

I love how I have so much control over your mind that you are not able to avoid reading what I post.

I must try to use my newly discovered powers for good, and not evil. Never evil....


I love how I have so much control over your mind that you are not able to avoid reading what I post.

I must try to use my newly discovered powers for good, and not evil. Never evil....


LOL did y'all read that LIE up there ^^^^^^ :BLAA: :rockon: :rockon: :D
In the last 4 years I have bought and sold 16 bikes and 5 cars. I do this as a hobby and to see if I can spin a profit when it is all said and done. I am "up" $3,800 to date. I have bought many bikes by "lowballing". I dont really understand that term since it is all relative. At the end of the day if someone is asking 4000 I will offer 3200 cash that day. Number one, an offer is better than never getting interest. Number two, that guy may just want to get rid of the bike for a multitude of reasons. Number three, he can ignore, or just decline offer, with little to no effort.

Also 3,000 for that bike is not a rediculously low offer, IMO.

Lone, not really trying to start any drama with you brother, but you do come off a bit "im right and the rest of you are allways wrong". Was what you did funny...yes. But continuing to defend it based on merit is a bit shakey to me.

In the last 4 years I have bought and sold 16 bikes and 5 cars. I do this as a hobby and to see if I can spin a profit when it is all said and done. I am "up" $3,800 to date. I have bought many bikes by "lowballing". I dont really understand that term since it is all relative. At the end of the day if someone is asking 4000 I will offer 3200 cash that day. Number one, an offer is better than never getting interest. Number two, that guy may just want to get rid of the bike for a multitude of reasons. Number three, he can ignore, or just decline offer, with little to no effort.

Also 3,000 for that bike is not a rediculously low offer, IMO.

Lone, not really trying to start any drama with you brother, but you do come off a bit "im right and the rest of you are allways wrong". Was what you did funny...yes. But continuing to defend it based on merit is a bit shakey to me.


Haha no worries man. I'm just having fun. Very little of what I posted in this thread was meant to be taken TOO seriously. But alas, too many people in this world have lost touch with their inner child. Lol

And, for the record, I too annoy the piss out of people with lowball offers. That's how I got my FZ (like 2 grand under asking price) and my first R1 (made an $1800 profit when I sold it three months later rofl).

Best part of this thread?

I am a giant, stinking hypocrite LOL.


But it is still annoying to get nothing but lowball offers and Nigerian princes offering to send their convoys to pickup bike after paypal payment....when it's not your bike and there is a set low-end.



lol this guy keep posting up with what he thinks are funny pictures. wow dude, you're funny! (not)
you're really rubbing A LOT of people the wrong way
lol this guy keep posting up with what he thinks are funny pictures. wow dude, you're funny! (not)
you're really rubbing A LOT of people the wrong way

"The comic spirit is given to us in order that we may analyze, weigh, and clarify things in us which nettle us."
-Thornton Wilder


It may not have been funny to you. But that doesn't really matter. The intent was never to amuse you, or anyone else for that matter. I explored that which irked me. The fact that you have been "rubbed the wrong way" says a lot more about you than it does about me. Those that enjoyed it as I did have had a positive experience in their lives.

Those that were impartial had no net effect on their lives.

But those that didn't? Well, it only compounded further the soul-crushing misery that has seemingly engulfed their lives. I am not angry with you. I am not judging you. I feel only pity. :)

Why so seriousssss?

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