He fought the Law and the Law lost!

I don't think they actually tazered him. But he had it on. Maybe he did get tazered? Funny though and I understood every thing he said. He was just speaking a different language! LOL!

Nannoo Nannoo!
For a minute I thought he was going to get the cops to handcuff one another while they were trying to wrestle him down.
WTH. I would have let them arrest me then when my lawyer is walking me out cause they didn't follow protocol, say OH SNAP SMACKTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate stupid cops. Gun and a badge doesn't make them god.
Good for him. He did everything right.

He asked why they were arresting him, and they refused to say.

He was singing and calling to Yaweh. Now he can play the religious persecution card, and also claim that he wasn't resisting that much if he was able to continue singing.

He never physically assaulted either cop.

When they unfairly assaulted him with the tazer (He wasn't told why he was being restrained and arrested, therefore it was not a legal arrest) he announced that he was defending himself, and then he bolted.

Game, set and match.

Good for him.

This guy was totally in his rights if you ask me. He clearly asked the cops why he was being arrested, which he entitled to know. When they refused to tell him why, he has every right to refuse to be arrested. As was already said though, I would have let them arrest me and then sued the police department for violating my civil rights. Freakin' powertrippin' cops are getting out of hand with these tazers. Serious BS.