HELP! Stalling, low RPM'S - Faulty TBS Sensor?


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May 20, 2010
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I have taken my bike to the dealer twice and handed over $500+ to receive back a bike that has yet to be fixed... & now that I should have my vavles checked to the tune of another gurannteed $300+ bill with no gurantee it will be fixed.

Can ANYONE offer any advise or has had this/these issue?

I own a 05 FZ6 original owner 43,000km -

After apx. 45 mins of riding I get the following inconsistant issues.

*Hi-way it intermidittly feels like it is stumbling. This will show up as either a feel of loss of power to the engine (smooth out and then 'kick' as it picks up) or a kicking jerky feel.. RPMS stay consistant but loss of power.

Now it's almost gurantee'd in stop and go traffic after coming off hi-way or just jetting around the city... RPMS will start to tumble downward.

Sometimes I can prevent it from stalling as long as I keep the throtal twisted on to keep the RPMS from dropping to far.

But now intermiditly it will stall as soon as I pull my clutch in between shifts. :eek:

It starts like almost like a charm when I fire it back up after a stall - Either in motion or at a light as long as I twist the throtal a bit more & stay on the throtal.

Intemiditaly it chugs at low speeds... 10KM - 25KM and it's not a smooth roll on for speed...

Upon ignition it no long runs throuhg all my lights - no green... just the top two red (sorry can't remb. what those two are now)...

Normaly it runs fine once I pull over and turn it off and let it sit for a few hours... (then the 45min mark hits), but it has radomally had LOW RPMS after sitting overnight- or at work... thus 8+ hrs.

Dealer has changed my plugs... reset my RPM'S and say's there is no fault code to be found and I am a lazy rider... :spank:

HELP! I feel like as a female rider I am being taken for ride.... :(


Street Rider
Aug 29, 2010
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Let me start of that its just RPM (Rates per Minute), its plural. Next, demand your money back and make a scandal at that rip off dealer. If they have not fixed your bike they deserve no pay, ask to speak with the manager and be mad. If its a real dealer you should be refunded or get your bike fixed.

Now, here's a good lesson you should take to heart. Stay away from dealers, I mean it. Scout on Google maps for motorcycle repair and visit a few places, find a good independent mechanic who is certified for Yamaha motorcycles. Dealers charge 2x the price, and as with this case, are not guaranteed to do better work. I went to a few places before I found my mechanic who charges next to nothing and knows his stuff, he has helped me numerous times.

As for the problem, I can't be certain, but when you have a problem make sure you describe it in detail. The red lights that are popping up on your gauge can't be good. There's a good reason that they are there, its to warn you. Read exactly what it says, even though I don't have a good idea of what the gauge looks like, those lights most likely are for the Fuel Injection and Oil Pressure. Most likely, its the fuel injection, if it was the oil pressure your engine would probably be dead now. One good indicator of how your engine is working is your spark plugs. Should have asked your dealer what they looked like. If there is too much air, causing the engine to run lean, or not use enough gas, the spark plugs turn white at the electrode, the center metal piece from where the spark ignites. If on the other side the electrode is black or dark, covered in gunk, then there is either too much gas causing it to run rich or the gas is not being burned properly. It's important to see what, if anything you have done before the problems occurred.

Get a friend to come with you and create a scandal at that rip off dealer. You are clearly being played. That is way too much money and they haven't fixed anything at all. Try and find a good independent mechanic and have him inspect it. Look for an honest guy, there are generally reviews on Google Maps where the businesses are listed. My guy was pretty much working from home and didn't have a sign but he was full of bikes because he was very good at his job.


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Could be the TPS hasn't been replaced. There was a recall on the 05's. The dealer can look up the serial number on your bike and tell you if it has been replaced. It could be a number of anomalies but the TPS (Throttle Position Sensor) is a popular repair on the 05's because of the recall and it is a danger issue so it should be attended to as well as any condition that causes you to loose throttle. Was this something that started after they worked on it?

Nice to meet you.


Administrator aka Mrs Prebstar
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Let me start of that its just RPM (Rates per Minute), its plural. QUOTE]
:welcome: to the forum

BTW, RPM = revolutions per minute ;)

You're right about dealerships - not all bad, but they do cost a lot of money.

And Curvesahead, if you can do it yourself, then go for it, otherwise, ask other forum members in your area who they use/recommend. You never know what information you might get. The dealerships are very sexist. If I got into one with my hubby, they look at him and ask if he needs help. When I tell them the FZ6 is mine, they look at me like I'm an alien......

If you don't have anyone that can help you, like I said, search the forum. There may be a wonderful forum member in your area that will help you with your bike.

Motogiro is right about the TPS recall - sounds like it hasn't been done on your bike.

Good luck :D
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May 20, 2010
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I was experianceing a smooth out at coasting speed - 75KM flat road... nothing would change just the feel of the motor and then a kick as it got more fuel? air? - this was pretty inconsistant but had me worried.

So I took it in - Two hours of labour later new plugs and the guy telling me the last mechanic I saw didn't put my air filter box on right. And was told this was my cause of my issue.

A week later on a run up through some twistie mountains same issue.. should have called the next day the dealership was open... that week I then felt as if my bike didn't have any pick up and go...that it was struggling - hitting a wall??? not smooth... I called the dealership, he had me come by the next am.

Mechanic took it out for a ride said I was just a "Lazy Rider and it was all in my head" as for my other 1st issue... well it was almost time for my vlaves to get done.

A few weeks later RPM started fall...then the stalling, then the chugging at low speeds,
and now the full out engine dying when the clutch is pulled in... even when the throtal is twisted on. This is inconsitant - but consistant enough that it has me beyond scared.


Administrator aka Mrs Prebstar
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Can't believe he accused you of being a "lazy rider". What a nerve?

They can be intimidating - have you got a friend that can go back to the dealership with you, just as back-up?


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May 20, 2010
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Thank you! :hug:

not the first to mentoin my RPM Spelling mistake:eek:

I did get angry... which doesn't help anyone...not myself and not the situation. Me demanding my money back.. hahahahahaha!!

I did ask around at the start.. got a LOT of varied opnions. I hear you about them looking at you like you have never thrown your leg over you own bike...:thumbdown:

Me being single and in a WHOLE new bloody city/part of the country is not making this any easier. :banghead:

I was on the local BC forum area.. was pretty quite on that end. But I will give it another go.


Administrator aka Mrs Prebstar
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Thank you! :hug:

not the first to mentoin my RPM Spelling mistake:eek:

I did get angry... which doesn't help anyone...not myself and not the situation. Me demanding my money back.. hahahahahaha!!

I did ask around at the start.. got a LOT of varied opnions. I hear you about them looking at you like you have never thrown your leg over you own bike...:thumbdown:

Me being single and in a WHOLE new bloody city/part of the country is not making this any easier. :banghead:

I was on the local BC forum area.. was pretty quite on that end. But I will give it another go.
Boneman will help (although he's down at the moment after writing-off his beloved bike :().

Maybe PM him and he will put you in the right direction.



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Aug 29, 2010
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I was experianceing a smooth out at coasting speed - 75KM flat road... nothing would change just the feel of the motor and then a kick as it got more fuel? air? - this was pretty inconsistant but had me worried.

So I took it in - Two hours of labour later new plugs and the guy telling me the last mechanic I saw didn't put my air filter box on right. And was told this was my cause of my issue.

A week later on a run up through some twistie mountains same issue.. should have called the next day the dealership was open... that week I then felt as if my bike didn't have any pick up and go...that it was struggling - hitting a wall??? not smooth... I called the dealership, he had me come by the next am.

Mechanic took it out for a ride said I was just a "Lazy Rider and it was all in my head" as for my other 1st issue... well it was almost time for my vlaves to get done.

A few weeks later RPM started fall...then the stalling, then the chugging at low speeds,
and now the full out engine dying when the clutch is pulled in... even when the throtal is twisted on. This is inconsitant - but consistant enough that it has me beyond scared.

2 hours seems a lot of time for plugs which are a 5min job. Putting the air box wrong will just mean that more dust will get into your engine, which is not good but not fatal. You oil will pick up most of the stuff and turn black faster. The only issue I can think that may come out of this is perhaps some dust clogging up something. I am just guessing that an injector may be clogged causing uneven spray of fuel? Check the spark plugs, like I said above, see whether it runs rich or lean. Seems like it's the fuel management that's causing the problem. Check which red light comes on.

As for the valve adjustment, it won't cause this, if its not correctly done the engine will be out of tune at all RPM. Too loose valves will create less power and a slower exhaust tone, while tighter clearances will increase the hymn and make it sound more like a true sport bike while giving some top end ponies. Since this is a fuel injected bike...

Btw, you can definitely get at least a portion of your money back if you stir a commotion, but you seem like you would need somebody there to be with you who has more anger in them. If they really did make you get all of this work done just to fix your problem which never did get fix, you have a point. If it was just additional work that needed to be done like the valves then no. You can decide for yourself.

Shamus McFeeley

Bulgdoom;350298...Putting the air box wrong will just mean that more dust will get into your engine said:

An incorrectly mounted airbox can cause a number of problems depending on whether your bike is fuel injected or carburated. Intake leaks are never good, and usually cause surging or a higher than normal engine speed. On carburated bikes this can translate to poor idle and a massive loss of power, especially on older bikes that have direct lift carbs.

As far as valve clearances go, tight valves do not create more "power". In fact, you might find that a bike with extremely tight clearances will be unable to rev into the higher RPM range at all (differs per bike). Since the valves are never open or closed long enough to fill and exhaust the cylinder like it should, you're almost certain to run into a wall.
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Street Rider
Aug 29, 2010
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An incorrectly mounted airbox can cause a number of problems depending on whether your bike is fuel injected or carburated. Intake leaks are never good, and usually cause surging or a higher than normal engine speed. On carburated bikes this can translate to poor idle and a massive loss of power, especially on older bikes that do not have direct lift carbs.

As far as valve clearances go, tight valves do not create more "power". In fact, you might find that a bike with extremely tight clearances will be unable to rev into the higher RPM range at all (differs per bike). Since the valves are never open or closed long enough to fill and exhaust the cylinder like it should, you're almost certain to run into a wall.

Well for the power surge, thats for carbed bikes, I know that first hand because it happened to my ninja 250. It causes this because you get that extra air and whatever fuel there is in the intake body is quickly mixed with all the extra air that is not intended altering the fuel/air ratio and creating a bigger combustion. This case was just for fuel injection though hence why I pinpointed my guess to the injectors.

For the valves, yes there is a loss in both extremes really although the tight clearances definitely will make less power if its really that extreme. I haven't had the chance too see overly tight valves myself.


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Can't believe he accused you of being a "lazy rider". What a nerve?

They can be intimidating - have you got a friend that can go back to the dealership with you, just as back-up?

In addition tell them you belong to a the forum and we're all hearing about and following the outcome of this "please post Name Here" dealership's response. Please ask the service writer who their superior is before you continue any conversation. Write it down! Tell them about the TPS recall and that you would like them to look up your serial number to see if the TPS has been replaced because of the recall and it's liability. Tell them you have learned that this could be the problem with the TPS on the 05's.
Unfortunately this problem could also be caused by a number of problems including the airbox and associated sensors and vacuum lines. There are many inputs the ECU (Electronic Control Unit) or computer, must read, before it outputs a signal to the ignition and fuel injection so be patient and methodical and you will get to the source of this problem.
Oh yes and :welcome: to the forum!
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2007 FZ6
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YOU should be able to call Yamaha headquarters directly and give them the VIN # to the bike and see if the TPS re-call has been done.

Most of your symptoms point towards that. If it has not been replaced, Yamaha will change it out, no charge.... I'd find another dealer too....

The bike has a self diagonosing system in it. Are you getting any fault codes on the dash??

Look at the second section down (in the tech section referring to the TPS).
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