Hi-vis law in France and Ireland passed, who's next??


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Mar 30, 2008
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Newbury, Berkshire, UK
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Against EU Member States Introducing Mandatory High Visibility Clothing For Motorcyclists

Responsible department: Department for Transport

We the undersigned urge the British Government to put pressure on the European Commission to discipline any member state that imposes clothing standards on motorcycle riders. We view any such requirement as an expression of prejudice against motorcyclists and a barrier to the free movement of people within the EU. With regard to the current proposals on mandatory high visibility clothing being considered by some member states, we consider this to be ill advised and naïve. We challenge the speculation that high visibility clothing will reduce accidents involving motorcyclists. We question the right of motorists to hold driving licenses if they are incapable of seeing a rider and motorcycle unless clad in high visibility clothing. We challenge the logic that imposes unreasonable requirements on the victims of accidents in order to accommodate the failings of those who cause them

If it comes right down to it I'll wear hi vis clothes. I don't think that it will help stop car vs. motorcycle accidents. People get hit by trains!! I will wear a clown suit if I have to!! :BLAA:
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I wear it at night and in the rain. The ICON vest makes cagers notice me, but I think some of them think I'm a cop, realize I'm not, and then drive like jerks because of it. Mixed results...
I wear hi vis jackets, I ride 365 days a year (no car license) in London and have had two bikes written off with the "didn't see you" comment from the driver, guess I'm just trying to do everything I can not to hear that comment again.

My worry is insurance companies, 4yrs ago my shiny new GSXR750 (12 days old) was written off by a sweet lady who u turned and sent me spinning thru the air. Police took so many photo's of my bike (bright yellow), jacket (yellow hi vis), helmet (yellow......you see the theme hear don't you lol) and the light switch to show light was on. Copper told me it was because insurance comps were reducing payouts if you hadn't done all you could to be seen. If this isn't passed as law watch the insurance comps start reducing payments if you weren't wearing hi vis, it'll be added to the small print somewhere.

Personally I don't support it, I don't see it reducing accidents and lowering insurance costs, you wanna reduce payouts make people wear the protective gear or they can't claim for injuries.
The right thing to legislate would be for people who cause accidents because they don't remain alert to lose their licenses for a time. Pedestrians are killed by drivers a lot more often than motorcyclists, and they're not being asked or told to wear hi-viz.
I'm all for hi-viz gear and doing all you can to be seen (just got a new hi-viz jacket to replace my vest). BUT, I think the pressure should be placed on car drivers with stiffer penalties for hitting a motorcyclist. We are at a great risk and auto drivers need to have more awareness. My .02
We question the right of motorists to hold driving licenses if they are incapable of seeing a rider and motorcycle unless clad in high visibility clothing.

Agree agree agree! I think wearing hi-viz is a good idea. I just got the exo-700 in hi-viz yellow, but it should be up to the motorcyclist if (s)he wants to wear it. And cagers need to be more aware of us WITH OR WITHOUT hi-viz!!
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Typical EU. Its very rare that I don't wear a hi-vis jacket anyway, but I don't like the thought of having to wear it because i'm forced to! :disapprove:
So when are all the grey cars getting a re-spray?? I like the colour of a little suzki car I see on my ride to work, never miss it, But the driver chose that colour. I have friend with a jet black, same make/model and she loves it, her choice, and thats what its all about isn't it?
I wear a hi viz RST winter jacket and a blue mesh summer jacket, sometimes a hi viz vest, depends on the weather/light..... my choice
my $0.02 worth
They're following the US military by trying to make people quit riding by making them look like dorks.

In Korea, we even have to wear vests on bicycles, so naturally, I bought the Icon one I use on the motorcycle. :D
I doubt the Hells Angels and Satans Slaves and other gangs would EVER go round in hi-vis vests, even if they did bring it in here. The UK has a really vocal biking population, I don't think they'd have it. We'd revolt! :rockon:
Well to date I have not seen any media local/national informing me of these legislative changes.
Has it defo gone through? I always wear hi vis.

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Nooj, what are the EU laws regarding using a cellphone/texting while driving a cage? Just curious here.

Hi-Viz is not required yet here in the States, but it IS required on some military bases (Navy, and now Air Force; don't know about the other three services). It really pissed me off at first (they allowed reflective belts, I bought one, then that wasn't good enough, they allowed reflective vests, I bought one, then that wasn't good enough, and for $400 I've now bought new Hi-Viz summer and winter jackets).


I can't statistically prove this, but damn it sure seems I've had almost NO cagers make a left turn in front of me, or move into my lane on the interstate... they sure seem to be working, for me at least...
I think I remember hearing that the Marines quit mandating the vests because it didn't change the fatality rate.

The push towards requiring and providing MSF training the services has been going towards, I do like. I've taken the ERC once and the SRC twice on base on base since 2008.
I rode in the US for a couple years as a stupid teenager, without any proper gear other than helmet and gloves. I was nearly wrecked just under a zillion times because of retarded drivers (luckily was able to stop, swerve, slide out of the way)...

I've now been commuting to work every day for a year and a half in the UK. Drivers here are MUCH better at seeing motorcycles in general, but I wear high vis everything (even my backpack with my lunch and football gear)... Not because of fashion or law, but simply because the chance of making me less dead is something I'm happy to do and gives the wife a little more comfort.

I would be extremely upset if they made wearing it into a law. That would be ridiculous. Kudos to whoever said drivers should have to be trained to see better. Maybe we could mandate softer car boots and door panels to improve our survivability?

I don't know. I just can't believe what some people (via government) will do. My 1 1/2 pence (2 cents US) :thumbup: